someone know anything about this? please read....thank you

Anybody knowz about anything that can raise up fish's immunity system?? and it is reef safe. and well not hurt any interbates. Any one kno anything about it expect for garlic oil. And i mean anything weather it is vegetables or other stuff. and call somebody tell me how good is the garlic oil...thank you alot


The best way to keep a fish healthy is good water conditions. I wouldn't suggest using garlic *oil*.. the oil makes a mess. I have never used garlic but many people have had good results with it. Tangs apparently like the garlic itself as a treat. That's the only thing I have ever heard of. Why are you concerned with the immunity levels of your fish? Then again.. I wouldn't be surprised if your tang is constantly getting ick from being in such small quarters..


i agree that your best defense is good care, good water, and good food. I also don't believe in fixing what isn't broke--should your fish come down with something due to lack of above metioned--THEN worry about fixing it--(perhaps by thinning the herd a bit.
A good disease would thin you out quickstyle.


Active Member
I would just feed a varied diet. With the tang, some Nori or seaweed selects are good for him to keep his color and his diet proper.
my clown have clown fish disease and i need to raise my fishs immunity system so my other fish wont get infected and i dont wish my other clown get it too..thatz y im trying to raise my other fishs immunity system including my other clown
please help me....


New Member
i love my yellow tang to but if you zoe in the tank it will help w/colore also you need to feed