Someone Please HELP 2 fish sick??


Just noticed tonight that my coral beauty and my pearlscale on their scales, looks like brownish spots and pits of flesh missing on the pearlscale and coral beauty just has pits of flesh missing. Like 4-5 pits or so on each side of both fish. Both seem to be doing fine like acting normal and both are eating. They eat omega one forulma and frozen brine shirmp. These fish have been in main display for over 2-3 months. Last month added 50 fiji rock after it cured for over a month. Tank is 135 gallon with wet/dry filter from aquaclear and running prefilter, bio-balls. Have berlin skimmer and typhoon ro/di for top-off. Water conditions are temp. 80, ph 7.8, salt 1.022, ammonia 0.0, nitrate under 10, nitrite under 10, alk. 3.5. Used fastest test. I also have 2 percula clowns, 2 domino damsels, 2 3 striped damsels, 2 yellow tailed damsels, and 1 blue damsels. Tank has been up and running for close to 6 months and nothing is wrong with these fish. I'll try to post pics if I can find the software to load pics onto the computer, but till then someone please help.


Also noticed that the last maybe two weeks I have dark green algea growing on my live sand, it only spotted but other spots darker than others. Can someone help me with this problem too. Thanks.


jwtrojan44, when I wrote nitrate & nitrite under 10 that means they don't read anything on the tests. My ph has always been in 8.0-8.2 range I don't know why when I tested it tonight it was lower than normal. The damsels I'm getting rid of but they just pick on the other damsel in the tank and not the other fish, that I have seen.


Staff member
Do you have a QT for this fish? How are the sick fish behaving, swimming, eating, etc? That fish's face area looks eroded, is it?


Both fish are eating, swimming acting normal. No I don't have a QT tank I really only now have the two fish in the display. Like I said I got rid of most of my fish this weekend. The fish pictured the face isn't eroded but is alittle red on the nose, but look alittle eroded were the brownish spots are. Maybe thinking HLLE but let me know what you think.


Staff member
I think the fish needs to be hypo-ed then threated with Maracyn Two for SW fish.
However, you can't do that in a display tank.