someone please help


Will it hurt to add Maracyn-two to a treat a tank I am also treating with hyposalinity, if their is nothing besides ick killing the fish (3 so far)? I have no inverts, LS, or LR in the tank. It is my show tank so will I be able to get the Maracyn out with the protien skimmer to add back the LR and inverts later? Please help this is driving me crazy. Also will a water change get the trates and ammonia down???


yes it will hurt you fish if you add any other treatment when doing hyposalinity, you are already streasing the fish with a lower salinity.

kris walker

Active Member
Have you tried garlic extract? I've heard good things about it in conjunction with hyposalinity. Also, if you have no LR or LS in your tank, why not use copper? IMO, copper by itself is far better than any other treatment. But the disease people would disagree with me and say that hyposalinity/garlic is better. Try a search on garlic for more info.