someone please help!



ok so ive had my porcupine puffer louie for about a month (maybe a little longer). As soon as i got him he would always swim around and wait for me to feed him. Starting sunday (2 days ago) i found him lying on the bottom breathing very very heavily. I watched him throughout the day and it seemed like he had no energy at all. He would slowly attempt to swim somewhere but would kinda stop and fall at some point. Also, it doesnt appear that he can see all that well anymore. He runs into things and when i put my hand in the tank it doesnt "fluster" him at all. Usually when i do this he gets really agitated and swims away quickly. Im not sure what to do or even what is wrong. All my water tests have come out ok. I have a maroon clownfish and some damsels and they all seem to be doing ok. Im not sure what to do anymore. He hasnt eaten in 2-2.5 days now and im really starting to get worried because he usually loves to eat so much! He's been on a steady diet of frozen squid since a got him...maybe a piece the size of a dime two times a day (once around noon and before i go to bed). My roomate (who is also a salt-water enthusiast with his own tank) seems to think maybe the strict squid diet may have lacked some nutrients that he needs. Ive tried krill and brine shrimp (both frozen and freeze dried) previously and he doesnt like either, and im going to try some shrimp and a carnivorous mix from ***** (in a frozen cube). Ive even resorted to hand feeding him (which doesnt work at all because he doesnt really know im there). All he does is lay on the bottom looking as if hes having trouble breathing. if anyone could help that'd be greatly appreciated! i dont want to lose this guy, hes very cool! thanks
It sounds like Free floating parasites getting into his gills. I'm having a simular problem. So far I found keeping on the light at night keeps the parasites off him. I don't know if this will help but it can't hurt to try. It seems these parasites attack in the dark.


Staff member
Has he been spooked enough to puff up? Do you see any changes in his body, like parasites, slime, etc? More details about the fish and what you are observing.


i wouldn't keep my lights on over night, this just stesses the fish out.. sooner or later you will have to deal with the problem