someone tell me what on earth this is


this thing moves around reasonably slow from what i have seen, i saw it with an anemone on its back the other day.

mandarin w

about how big is it? Looks huge in that shot, like 3inch or so. But then I don't know if you have it blown up.


i'd say around 2 inch from memory
well i originally thought it was a fossil in my rock..... then it disappeared and i though some menace crabs destroyed it, but i have since seen it moving around i also got some video of it moving


Active Member
From what I have read they eat algae. Very safe and a good find. Biggest I have seen in a tank btw.


wow i guess i got lucky.
i dont see it very often though
and i origianlly thought it was a fossil which would also have been cool


Active Member
They are not commercially available (at least I have never seen them) but you might find someone here or there that may have 1 or 2 to sell or trade.


Active Member
I have a couple in my tank, that came in on my lr. I thought it was some form of snail but wasn't sure.


Active Member
I tried pulling one from a rock and it was impossible. I couldn't even begin to move it.