Someone wanna miss prove this...


If you have 47 airstones in your tank. Also, read about it. Dont take my word for it. See what the benefits are of having a higher or normal CO2 level in your tank. 1.20 in late fees and 40 books at a time can verify all that I am saying.


Active Member
i dont know what everyone else has to say but i keep my tank at 81 and a sg of 35ppt and everything seems to be doing great so ill just listen to what other reefers recommend and go with what i see does best
just my opinion and everyones got one on this subject and one cant compare the ocean to a small tank a tank is much harder to control than the whole ocean but i say do what u think is right and go from there


Oh I forgot, someone wanted proof or something. I think my star polyps spreading 8 inches in under 4 months, my derasa growing 2 inches in under 6 weeks, my kenya tree splitting twice and growing about 4 inches higher, my dusters going from 4 to 6 inches in 4 weeks, (xenias already spread quick) my xenia is currently sprouting its 11th limbs in three months (I have had to frag it 8 times). My trochus snails breeding, successfully. A birds nest that I bought a frag that was, well one limb at about 1/4 of an inch is now about 1.5 inches tall with 5 different limbs......I think that is pretty good.


Active Member
true sounds like things are good but i do know of other reef tanks that do just as well with the 1.025-1.026 and 35-36ppt with a temp of 80-82
mine seems to do really well also ive never had xenia though my colt grew huge my toadstool got so big i traded him in all my softies loved my tank especially under PC lighting now under MH they have slowed down the growth


That as to be the most outstanding thing I have ever heard. What did they have in their tank that grew that quick?


Active Member
in my experience ive seen lots of tanks that xenia grows fast and same with clams and such im not saying your way is a bad way or that anything the scientist are saying is wrong im just saying ive seen great growth from the normally recommended way of a higher SG and a temp around 80
im sure all corals can do better under different conditions its hard to get a tank full of things from different oceans and conditions to all be happy under one setting u know what i mean


No, I dont. Here's a thought to ponder. If you are going above the recommended dosage of salt mix per gallon, that means you are doing what? Adding excess elements to your tank - which naturally is going to cause your tankmates to grow quicker. What happens when your livestock finds a way to balance it out and begin using up those excess elements? For instance if you add one cup of "whatever" salt mix and it has 24 mgs of potassium. Then you need to add another cup to get your SG from 1.022 to 1.026. That was nearly double the amount of potassium.
I have seen tanks last up to 5 years with that method though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Ha! Ophiura, I will listen to every word you say and take it to the bank, or in this case to the tank. I appreciate your real world experience and ability to relate. Thank you for what you do here and thanks for all the advice given to me.

I third it, ophiura has just an extraordinary amount of experience, and knowledge!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonnywater
Oh I forgot, someone wanted proof or something. I think my star polyps spreading 8 inches in under 4 months, my derasa growing 2 inches in under 6 weeks, my kenya tree splitting twice and growing about 4 inches higher, my dusters going from 4 to 6 inches in 4 weeks, (xenias already spread quick) my xenia is currently sprouting its 11th limbs in three months (I have had to frag it 8 times). My trochus snails breeding, successfully. A birds nest that I bought a frag that was, well one limb at about 1/4 of an inch is now about 1.5 inches tall with 5 different limbs......I think that is pretty good.
The thing about it is that different creatures have different needs. i will use my tank as an example.
In my tank I have medusa cucumbers breeding, cyano eating bubble snails breeding, nassarius snails breeding, clams breeding, but my zoanthids have only added about 5 polyps in the last 3 months.


Uh huh. One thing I dont get and really dont care about - but here it is. People keep talking about how much knowledge OPHIURA has. Then they go and talk about their own method. UHHHHHHHH <drool>
'"Mr.Smith" is so great. He's made millions of dollars doing (insert something simple here). I think i'll go work at a fast food place'