I have a 20 gal tank that just finished cycling. it is besides my 90 gal. My 90 hase about 70# LR and 80# LS. My 20 also has 50# LS and i want to make it into a refugium. my 90 has a drilled over flow wit a wet/dry.
my idea is to put a power head in my sump, pump that water into the 20 gal and i have an over flow hang on to put on the 20 and go back into the sump and the sump pumps back into the 90. Does that sound goood?? i tried it and it seems to work pretty good. My guestion is, what do i do to make the 20 a refugium besides add Caulpra??? and when algea grows on the glass, i just let it grow and dont scrap it?? please help

fish fry

Hey Reefman,
You set up sounds like it will work well. You might want to add some critters/infuna/detrivores/pods to your 20 gallon. Although you might be some already in your sand. These critters are great for numerous reasons.
You will also need to light the tank. Nothing fancy, regular NO bulb should work.
Depending on how you have it set up you might get a greater benefit from having the 20 gallon overflow into the display tank. This way any little critters won't be killed by the pumps on their way to the main tank. They make great food for a reef tank.
If you need a better explanation of anything ask.
Fish Fry
thank you very much, the only problem is, the 20 is lower then the 90, so the over flow can only go into the 90's sump and not right into the tank. also, when algea starts growing on the glass of the 20, do i scrape it? or do i just leave everything that grows in the tank?

mr . salty

Active Member
Let the algae grow on the glass.That is one more good thing about having a refugium.It will give this "bad algae" a prefered place to grow,So it will not grow in the main tank...