Something growing all over my tank


I have something growing all over my tank... Looks like small twigs... Some are even starting to grow in between my zoos...
When I feed my fish or corals, you see tiny spiderweb like strands extending from these twigs... They are all brown in color...
Any help?


Active Member
Originally Posted by coraljunky
Vermitid snails
Post a pic

Sure sounds like it is those pest


Active Member
I've got them too but I can't find it/them? Looks like snot web.
Question, are there areas of your LR that appear to have white or transparent fuzz that looks like a mat and sways in the current? It's different then vermited snail webbing but I don't know if it's related.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I've got them too but I can't find it/them? Looks like snot web.
Question, are there areas of your LR that appear to have white or transparent fuzz that looks like a mat and sways in the current? It's different then vermited snail webbing but I don't know if it's related.

That sounds more like some white sponges I have in mine????


Active Member
Originally Posted by big
That sounds more like some white sponges I have in mine????
Sorry to hijack. big you got PM.


Active Member
WORM SNAILS (Vermetid)
Family: Vermetidae
Range: All seas
Size: Up to 3 inches
Diet: Particulate matter suspended in water
Reef Safe: Yes
Temperature: : 64 - 84ºF
Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.026
pH: 8.1 - 8.4
Care Level: Easy
If you've ever seen "spider webs" in your reef tank, then you probably have worm snails, or vermetids. These sessile snails adhere to a surface and build a calcareous tube that steadily gets longer and longer as time goes by. From these tubes they secrete a mucous "net" that they use to catch drifting particulate matter.
While these snails aren't harmful by any means, they can become an unsightly nusiance. They reproduce very quickly in our tanks and can blanket whole areas with their stingy mucous. Removing them is fruitless and can be painful due to the sharp edges of the tubes. Just the other day I had one lodge underneath my fingernail into my flesh.
The calcareous tubes of the species found in our tanks are mostly purple, brown, or reddish. They form a mound at the base of the tube about 1/8" in diameter. The tube itself extends up to about 1/5". The mucous strands and nets are clear and resemble spider webs.
If anyone has a way of getting rid of these for good, let me know. Vermetids greatly reduce the efficiency of pumps due to their tendency to grow in the pipes.



The first two are what I am talking about.... The last pic I need identified as well.... Not the best of pics on the cam-phone..
