Something is eating my coral banded shrimp


My CBS disappeared for about a week.
I just saw it today when I added some food. It's claws are gone, and its dragging itself around on two legs.
Right now I have two perculas, a cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp, emerald crabs, and a small spotted box fish (I've never seen the box fish go after any shrimp, and I don't think they're part of its diet).
Any ideas which one could have done this?


Originally Posted by jc74
My CBS disappeared for about a week.
I just saw it today when I added some food. It's claws are gone, and its dragging itself around on two legs.
Right now I have two perculas, a cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp, emerald crabs, and a small spotted box fish (I've never seen the box fish go after any shrimp, and I don't think they're part of its diet).
Any ideas which one could have done this?

emerald crabs can be pretty destructive little

. I had some in my tank and they killed some shrimps i had. little devils


Originally Posted by clown316
emerald crabs can be pretty destructive little

. I had some in my tank and they killed some shrimps i had. little devils

I have one emerald crab that's huge.
I thought they only age algae? I'm not sure why they'd attack a shrimp.


Active Member
i doubt its the crab. i hv 2 big emeralds along w 4 cleaners and 1 cbs. nothing ever happened. how big r the clowns and boxfish?


A bad molt? I've never heard of that, but I'm open to it.
My cleaner shrimp is very aggressive. I'm not sure if it would be able to rip my CBS's claws off, but if it could I'm sure it would do it.


In my old reef tank I had an emerald crab that got big and killed all the other emerald crabs and my shrimp. I would check into that, I had no idea he was that big until I saw him attacking another emerald crab one day.


Originally Posted by FaTcAt
Could have had a bad molt.
That is what happen to my CBS,he lost 1 on a molt 2 times. They will grow back quick. They will hide when the molt. But don't kid yourself CBS can little devils too! They will most likley kill other shrimp in smaller tanks, and the ARROW Crab is a no no to house with this shimp. He may be fighting with the crab. Watch your tank at night when lights go out, and see what these guys are up to.


i heard that when they go after stuff they cant catch they lose things like antena and legs and stuff
and you said yours was aggresive