Something is eating my FISH


New Member
Hello Everyone,
I have had a saltwater tank since about the 1st of the year, and believe I have done everything I could to give the fish that inhabit it the best place possible. My first problem came a week ago when one of my yellow-tail damsels disappeared. Of course I was immediately concerned (thinking that it had jumped out, got caught in the filters or powerheads, etc) I looked everywhere, taking every piece of liverock out, inspecting it, etc. Finally I gave up and continued to monitor levels, like always. Levels stayed consistent, which was also interesting b/c if I had a dead fish then I would think I would see some type of spike. Then came the big disappointment. A few days later one of my treasured clown fish disappeared in the same fashion. This time though I would not be defeated. I decided to look in greater detail throughout the tank. Hooray I found something......very interesting. What I would like to know is what the heck it is....inhabits on of my live rocks, looks frog-like, 'amoebaish', and then has "legs" kind of like a star fish. It is clear in color, like I can almost see its bone structure. It is rather large about twice to 3 times the size of any fish I have. It has to be what is eating my fish. Any ideas on identification??? Just to give everyone an idea on my setup and habitants here it is:
60 gallon
Started with 3 yellow-tail damsels (now two)
2 Clowns (now one)
Damsels and clowns are same size. They do not fight, and in fact don't even bother eath other.
That is it.
Please help.


Active Member
Does it look like a long shrimp, because it very well could be a mantis shrimp? They are infamous for eating fish.


New Member
No, I wouldn't say a shrimp. I would say more like a starfish. It has multiple pointed legs. My wife and I took a video of it, and probably after work today I will take it to the LFS and see if they know what it is. It doesn't seem to swim, more like suction to the rock, but it can move pretty quick, b/c when I was trying to get video, and pictures of it it retreated further into the rock.


Active Member
Any chance for a still picture? Sounds very strange, whatever it is. But also know that there are a lot of hitch hikers and things on LR that may seem ominous and are perfectly harmless as well.
You have no other "clean up crew" or anything?


New Member
I will try to post a picture of it tonight,
Sorry I did forget to mention that I have 8 blue legged hermit crabs. They are very small. Still in their first shell. They seem to do a good job on all the "extras"


New Member
I have attached a picture of the culprit. He seperated from the live rock so I could take the picture. It looks like a type of crab? What do all of you think? Does this creature eat fish?


I dont know what the hell kind of crab that is, but i'd bet money it's eating your fish.:scared:


Active Member
Wow, you have Jabba The Hut of fish tanks in your aquarium! I hope someone knows what that is because I sure do not! we just need to keep bumping this thread until someone comes up with an answer. That does look like the culprit though.


Wow ive never seen any thing like that before. R its legs hard or mushy? See if your able to take a picture of its top side dat would b cool.


New Member
Here he is rightside up. Still just as disgusting. Keep me posted on more aspects of this beast. I have moved him to a quarantine area, and ..........suprise no fish have gone missing. Seems like the mystery is finally over. I hope that the LFS will compensate me for this though, I mean I understand that there are potential hitchhikers on LR purchase at a store, but that thing....COME ON!:jumping:


Active Member
Black claw family Xanthidia, most all craps are carnivors and if they can catch it, they will eat it. Even our lovely little Blue legs kill our lovely little turbos.
Heres one simular eating a blue star.. Dont look ophiura


I'm just curious how a thing that huge (and gross! :scared: ) could have hidden in the rock! I mean, it's probably bigger than the rocks themselves! Yikes....I think if I saw something like that in my tank I'd scream like a littl girl!!


New Member
Well, remember that I zoomed in on each of those pictures. It is probably the size of the bottom of a bottle of water. Anyway, he passed away while he was seperated from the tank, and his prey my nice fish. I wasn't able to get anything from the LFS though, the owner claimed it was just "natural selection" which I would agree, but I don't want anything like that in my tank, especially something that can eat fish the cost pretty good money. I did replace the clown though and things seem to be back to normal. Thank you everyone for all your thoughts.


Sorry about your loss... but at the same time thanks. I have never seen any thing like that befor and now thanks to you If i ever see something like that in my tank I know what to do. Good luck in what you purchase next(fish).