Something is pooping in my new tank.


I have a 2 week old 25g tank with an 11lb piece of LR...
Last Thursday I turned on the lights to find a 1.5" long possible piece of poo sitting on the bottom of my tank near my LR... I took it out and decided it must have just fallen off the LR...
This morning I turned on the light to find yet another piece of poo identical to the first one...

There is only sand and a LR in my tank... I think it is from a hitchhiker, but what type of hitchhiker... (I do have pods in the tank.)
I will try to get a picture of it uploaded in the next few hours...
There is a chance it is something other than fish poo. It could possibly be made of sand/mud, but sand or mud from where? Could it be a critter is building this as a home? :thinking:
Maybe the pictures will shed some light on my ghost pooper...


Active Member
so let me get this right, you want us to identify your hitchhiker by the appearance of its sh@t. thats more of an expert or specialist than I need to be


Originally Posted by Stanlalee
so let me get this right, you want us to identify your hitchhiker by the appearance of its sh@t. thats more of an expert or specialist than I need to be

No, I'm hoping someone will be like, oh thats not poo, thats a worm tube or something like that...


We’ll the secrete pooper has struck yet a 3rd time... I still have “0" fish in this tank and only 2 camel back shrimp. The first two poo’s were before the shrimp...
So what type of creature leaves this sort of poo???

It is 1.5" long and 1/8" thick...


Active Member
I believe my hermit crabs drop something like that from time to time. Any chance you've got some kind of a crab in there anywhere?


If there is anything other than the shrimp and coral alive in the tank, they are all hitchhikers that hide in the rock and only come out late at night...
Also, it only seems to leave this calling card about once a week...


I have the same things. Conjecture 2 years ago when I posted about it was that it was from a peanut worm. I've never seen the worm that leaves the deposit.


Originally Posted by Rockies
The memory isn't what it used to be... indicated that I did actually see the Peanut Worm, but I honestly don't recall now. Certainly haven't seen it in any recent memory.
Here's the picture I originally posted:
That's exactly what I have in my tank... :cheer: Now to look for a peanut worm... It pood again over the weekend..


Active Member
There are all kinds of worms living in your LR. I had to split my LR in half (I have a 12 gal). Some of the worm looked like night crawlers! Sometimes when I stay up late I will shine a light in my tank at 1:00 in the morning and see all kinds of worms comming out of the rock work. I too had the poo before I actually bought any critters! I haven't had any damage done to anything in my tank so I assume they are friendly.


I think Cowfishrule is messing with your head!-
Try this , about an hour after the lights go out, take a lfashlight, and gently shine it in the tank, I do this from time to time, just to see the night life in my tank, you can use a red filter on your flashlight and critters will not react so much!


i just put my first pieces of live rock in my 55 gal. and this morning when i woke up there was the same damn thing! one was all curled up in the back of the tank and there was a much shorter piece in the front. are peanut worms bad for my tank (When i do put fish in) or are they just going to live side by side peacefully?