Something is wrong with my tank.


Ok First my PUffer developed what looks like pop eye, My lion fish is losing his color and now my Percula Clown(nemo) has stayed in the corner of the tank all day verticle with his head near the surface. He is moving. :help:
All my levels in my tank are testing normal. What do I do?


New Member
Do you have good water flow, i.e. powerheads. I learned from similar experiences that good water flow is mucho importante. Having a good water disturbance on the water surface is beneficial in releasing gases that may accumulate in the tank. Although, pop-eye is sure indicator of high NitrItes......are your NitrItes absolute ZERO?


Active Member
Originally Posted by shookbrad
Ok First my PUffer developed what looks like pop eye, My lion fish is losing his color and now my Percula Clown(nemo) has stayed in the corner of the tank all day verticle with his head near the surface. He is moving. :help:
All my levels in my tank are testing normal. What do I do?
Size and age of tank? What are "normal" water conditions? Post them.


Aprox 135 gallons. tank is about 4 months old. I have a lot of water flow.
PH 8.1, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 3, Amonia 0
Nemo also won't eat.


Staff member
Any nitrite would be a major problem. Why do you have this? I suggest doing water changes with aged water to bring the nitrite down to zero, and hopefully that will resolve the popeye.