Something is wrong


I transfered my sebae anemone to another tank last night. All went well it was opened up and looked fine. This morning the anemone looked healthier then ever and i just went to look at it and one of its tentacle's is about 6 inches long and the other tentacles are normal about 1 inch long. It happend out of no where and i dont know what to do. Any help would be nice.


I just checked again and the tentacle is coming from its mouth and almost a foot long and keeps getting bigger.


A change in conditions can bring about a change in the appearence of the Sebae, I've seen some fantastic changes in one sebea that belonged to a former shark Broomer5 that once freaquented this site. If I recall right his sebea extended its tenticals much farther when the conditions changed in his tank. Not sure I can still find those old posts but I'll look around.


Sorry i didnt get a photo. But i sat there and the string that was coming from its mouth got to about a foot and half. The string then broke off after snagging on a piece of rock. I dont believe it was waste because the sebae was open completly and after it released the string it closed up just a little. It was a really wierd site but the sebae is open now and looks fine but not as big as it usually is.


Well-Known Member

Anemones change..they shrink up they stretch out...They do stuff. It is an invert not a coral.