Something living in my Skimmer


I have an octopus skimmer and its been about a month since I last cleaned it. After a few weeks I get a little bit of cyano that grows in the middle section (it doesnt grow anywhere in my tank, refugium or anywhere else).
I normally ignore it and eventually I clean the skimmer and remove. Well today I looked at it and this yellowy/brown stuff is growing on it.... Then I saw it moving... They are really small thread like things that are moving in and around the gunk in the middle section of the skimmer. They dont look like copepods so I thought I would ask.
The picture isnt a close up but you should see they are all aroudn this section in the skimmer. They are long, thin, cylindrical things (Not long but you get the point 1/2mm length on each maybe.)


I dont doubt that there is detrius/gunk and some cyano that is in there but it was the little brown looking things that got me worried since I clearly saw them all moving. They may be some type of pod or worm but I havent seen them before. Ill try to get a better picture.