Something new...!!??!!

nm reef

Active Member
My 55 reef has been set-up since January......slowly built it up to its current status......for the past 2 days I've been noticeing a fairly small accumulation of bubbles on the surface of my sand they are markedly of the surface seem to be covered with small air bubbles....when my blue leg hermit walks across the front surface little air bubbles release and float to the top of the tank.......anybody know or have any idea what the source of these bubbles are.......I know that the sand bed will and should release gas in the form of bubbles as part of its function...but this seems to be building up on the surface of the sand bed.......any body got any info on this......there doesn't seem to be a problem to speak of.....every body seems fine and healthy........just got my attention and was out of my range of experience.........
as always thx for your time and effort.....I sincerely appreciate it......
The only thing that I have had that sound simular to that is a few months ago I had a little bit of cyanobacteria and they would get small bubbles caught in them and then raise of the floor util the bubbles poped.
does it seem there is a layer of algae under them?


It's a good sign! Your sand bed is doing it's job and converting nitrates into harmless nitrogen, and releasing it back into the atmosphere.
If your getting a ton of bubbles, you may want to consider adding more sandsifters to turn over the bed a little more efficeintly.

nm reef

Active Member
Actually both of your responses may apply
1) I do have a slight cyano problem....very slight....and its being addressed with the recent addition of a gravity return refugium(no macro yet but soon will have along with dsb & some rubble)...its 30 gal and should help with my microalgaes
2)I also believe its possibly nitrogen returning from the dsb.....and will look into a detrivore kit to assist the sand bed...I've been planning on getting one....but have been holding off....maybe nows the time to add a few critters to the dsb to help it along