Something other than anemone

Originally Posted by ophiura
Do you want or have corals?
There are also a lot of artificial anemones that are relatively realistic looking. I think they might work as well.
ooo! I have a mushroom, a toadstool, some tiny xenias, a sun coral, small patch of zoos, (everything except the mushroom and toadstool are really small).
Husband would really like me to get an anenome, but I cant do it. We got one that didnt make it and I wont go that route again.
They have fake anenomes? bta? I never looked for anything fake before, do I have to clean them or anything? Maintanence free?


Active Member
In theory, they would need to be cleaned. They are likely, like any substrate in the tank, to get algae on them. But they do have artificial anemones, even artificial mushrooms, that are rubbery to be more realistic. It would be an interesting experiment to see if it would take to it :D
Originally Posted by ophiura
In theory, they would need to be cleaned. They are likely, like any substrate in the tank, to get algae on them. But they do have artificial anemones, even artificial mushrooms, that are rubbery to be more realistic. It would be an interesting experiment to see if it would take to it :D
I know you cant exactly say where, but give me a clue (a hint where you've seen them) where to find the fake bta (rubbery type) please?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Princess8077
I know you cant exactly say where, but give me a clue (a hint where you've seen them) where to find the fake bta (rubbery type) please?

ive seen them on the BIG WORDWIDE e-b-- bid site in all diff. colors.
If you want something pretty... I would say get a giant colony of xenia, or even long stalked palys that have some guts to them. Softies are the way to go, its too strong a possibility that your clown harrasses the LPS to death
good luck!
at least you arent just buying an anemone like most people do...
not all clowns host either, so keep that in mind... I had one that woulnt host anything in my tank... I later sold him to convert to a mantis tank and the new guy that got him says he is hosting a ball of CHAETO lol