Something Strange Going On


Something is going on with my reef rock... Some of my live rock and artifical corals. They have like brown spots forming on them as you can see from the pics. What is this from?? My live rock is cured. I have no fish in as of yet. Could someone please tell me what this is?? I did my test readings and all is good.



If this is a newly set up tank, it could be diatoms or brown algea. It happened with my tank during it's cycle. It got really ugly and I just waited it out and it finally cleared away.


Active Member
Nothing more than diatoms, nothing to worry about as they will disappear or your clean up crew will take care of it.


New Member
It will probably get alot worse before it gets better - at least it did for me.
Give it a couple of weeks and with the help of snails, hermits, etc. all will be good.
I did blow some off toward the end with a turkey baster.


Active Member
Turn the lights off during the cycle period, no need to run them. You will have less gunk like this in the tank.