Something to look at, comment if u want


just some new pics of the two tanks. I have got some huge rocks in the 180 that the lfs were kind enough to part with. The pic of the candy cane coral is just an update on him. I was a little concerned when I got him due to some tissue loss. He has come back in full force now and is growing rapidly.



finished the plumbing on the 180 finally and installed the halide on the sump. The protien skimmer took about a week to season itself and now is pulling hard.(about time). Just some pics of the plumbing and such.



Finished fragging some out of the 115 and trying out the fragging station in the sump for the 180. See how it works on some hardy corals and if they survive then I will start moving the sps.
And sum other pics of frags that I have been making




anybody have any advice for me.
what is the best way to move sps from the old tank to the new one. Move one a week or a couple a week. Do I need much acclimtaion time for them if I have the ph and temp close betweent the two tanks? Should I wait until I get a calcium reactor for the new tank. Or should I wait for all the live rock.

d0 thy d3w

i have 2 questions for long should i have my tank running before buying a dragonet..(as ive heard many starve to death) and also...what it that pinkish reddish mushy lookin thing next to ur clam??? i like it!! can i have 1? lol


Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
i have 2 questions for long should i have my tank running before buying a dragonet..(as ive heard many starve to death) and also...what it that pinkish reddish mushy lookin thing next to ur clam??? i like it!! can i have 1? lol
I would wait at least six months before trying a dragonet it also depends on the size of your tanks and the amount of live rock. The reddish mushy thing beside the clam is a reverse candy cane coral. and no you can't have it. lol


New Member
i have a spanish dancer which i love does anybody know how long they live. also how often does it have to eat, i bought a red ball sponge a our lfs and it ate it last week but they don't have anymore sponges so i biught some rock which had some polyps on it and i think it ake those too. any info would be great.
thank you so much,
rich p