Something tore my shrimp in two


New Member
When I came home today something had torn one of my camelback shrimp in two!!!!! At first I just thought he had molted, but then I found a piece of his tail with the whole tail - fleshy part and all!!!! There was a large "chunck" of flesh.
The only KNOWN tank mates are another camelback shrimp, 3 red leg crabs, 5 turbo snails, 1 blue damsel, and 1 perc clown.
What could have done this? I took out each piece of lr and examined it (25lbs in 29 gal tank) and couldnt find any more of the shrimp or any sign of any "culprits".
Any suggestions?

the claw

Active Member
When was your last LR addition. You may have picked up a hitchhiker. (or two: your corraline algae eater). My finger is still throbbing from my little pest. Hearing any clicking noises????????


New Member
I haven't heard any clicking noises. The last time I put lr in my tank was about 3 weeks ago. The shrimp were already in the tank when I put the lr in.

joey k.

New Member
I had a clown that once tore my red banded shrimp up. Of course the stupid shrimp used to somewhat torment him over a cave in the rocks that they both wanted. The clown struck one day when I was at work & the shrimp had been molting.


Active Member
Maybe take your new liverock out...put it in saltwater with the salinty about 1.040 for a couple of minutes...this should cause any hitchhikers to evacuate the the event you have any