something weird on my feather duster


New Member
Hi all! Still fairly new to the world of salt! We have 2 feather duster worms that hitchhiked in on a piece of live-rock, so I know nothing about them except that they were free! One of them is growing nicely, but I noticed this morning that there is some weird fuzz around the bottom of where the feather duster part is. I know for a fact it was not there last night because I was looking at it last night and noticing how much it had grown. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or know what it is? Thanks in advance for any help!


New Member
Can anyone help me out here? The fuzz is still around the bottom of the feather duster this afternoon.


New Member
I'll see if I can get my husband to take a pic tonight. It's going to be a bit difficult, because the feather duster attached itself to the backside of the rock! We'll see what we can do!