Somethings eating my soft corals!!!


I have a ton of zoos, xenia and gsp and I think something is munching on them!
All the frills on my zoos look like they have been eaten off, the little hands on my xenia areall odd sized like they've been chewed on and my gsp are totally wiped out.
Only thing I've added recently are 4 pepermint shrimp, but I was told these are reef safe.
I've checked the tank for nudis or other hitchhikers but I've found nothing.


Well my fish and inverts i've had for over a year, the only recent addition are the pep shrimp and this just started this week.
Here's what I have:
Yellow Tang
Lemonpeel Angel
Coral Beauty
Yellow Tail Blue Damsel
White Striped Maroon Clown
Black & White Clown (sabae or saddleback?)
6 Line Wrasse
Lawnmower Blenny
Bi-Color Blenny
Green Chromis (x3)
30 Hermits (scarlets and blue legs)
30 Snails (astrea)
Arrow Crab
Emerald Crab (x3)
Feather Duster (x3)


Originally Posted by RoushRacer
Only thing I've added recently are 4 pepermint shrimp, but I was told these are reef safe.

they might not have been true peppermint shrimp. they could be camelback shrimp which are sometimes confused for pepermint shrimp becuase they look similar. the only problem is thast camelbacks feed on small polyps and sometimes soft coral. you might have these shrimp im your tank.


I'll try and post a pick, but pretty sure they are true peps as they don't have the hump.
I may have to tear my whole tank apart to get them...


This was the best I could do. I looked at a ton of pics, and they look exactly like pep;ermint shrimp and NOT camelbacks



I also found a snail, about the size of a nickel that was bright florescent pink. I watched him for a while, and all he did was graze and eat the algae on the glass. I put him in my fuge just incase though.
I've also been watching the shrimp for about an hour under the LED moonlights and they haven't even went near a coral.
Hmmm, who could the culpret be???


nothing says those angels wont learn to eat softies, hell i had a purple tang in a tank a year, then he decided he liked clam and ate a maximus


Active Member
Yeah, I would think its the angels or the tang personally. My flame angel recently developed a taste for softies after 5 months.