New Member
I have a 36 gal bow front tank. the tank is about a year old setup i have 2 power heads a whisper filter and a protien skimmer and close to 80lbs of live rock. i was looking at my tank when i noticed something on my glass it is hard to see because it is on the side of my tank next to the wall. it about the size of a nickel and is a milky white color. it sticks out aprox. 1/4in and if you look at the side stuck on the glass it has light brown specks in it. it also looks like it has little bubbles on the surface of it. i had a peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, about 20 hermit crabs a flame angel, percula, and manderian goby i also noticed i have small snails in the tank. i was wondering if this could be some sort of egg sack from something like the crabs or shrimp or if it is something bad. please let me know asap thanks for your help.