Sometimes its more then a hobby


Twenty seven years ago, this 9 year old kid started a 10 gallon freshwater tank and has been hooked ever since. As interest grew so did the size of the tank. 20 gallon, 29 gallon, a "huge" 40 gallon and then 55. Finally I could afford something bigger! I bought a 100 gallon tank, then a 120 and finally I own a 180 gallon tank. But thats not the real story here. You see as my interest in the hobby grew so did my interest in challenging myself with keeping new things.
One of my biggest steps in this hobby was when I switched to saltwater. That was over 12 years ago! My first fish was a Seabae Clownfish. This fish lived through the cycling stage of my first saltwater aquarium. He lived through my many tank size upgrades. He lived while I learned to keep other tougher fish alive. He lived through power outages, power surges and even one time when I had a problem and nearly fried everything in the tank, and me too! He lived as I took vacations. He lived as I got married. He lived while my daughter was being born. This little fella lived for the past 12+ years with me through 3 different homes and 6 different tanks.
My daughter who is 11 now. Loves this fish. It is her favorite. Its one of the biggest clownfish I have ever seen and although he is a little territorial when a new fish is introduced he quickly accepts the necomer to the tank and defends it against the others. He is the grandfather of my tank. He has had several hosts annenomies and he has enjoyed everyone with the delight of a child at christmas.
Yes, he is just a fish and I don't mean to get carried away, but yesterday, this fish, the one that has been with me since the beginning, the one that went through the ups and downs as I learned this hobby, the fish that became a loved pet of my daughter, died in my 11 year old daughter hadn't cried in a few years, until yesterday......Sometimes they are just fish and other times they are definately more! This fish, known only as "clownie" will be missed.


Awwwww......I'm so sorry to hear about Clownie. :(
You're right of course, they can be so much more than just fish. A true pet.....


Active Member
Sorry to hear of your loss. It's funny how we can become so attached. I hope ypur daughter feels better soon.


Thanks for the nice comments. We all know this will pass and I don't mean to be silly about it but I must admit that I was shocked that clownie had died. I mean, that little fella was there for a LOOOONG time! I got to thinking about all the things I went through in the past 12 years. WOW. When the fish died yesterday, I didn't feel anything. It was like it didn't happen. Strange. I think it will set in more when I get home tonight and look at the tank. Again, I don't mean to take this too far but that fish went through alot with me.:(


Active Member
If you lose a fish you just purchased - that can be a real drag.
Losing one you've had for 12+ years has got to be a real bummer :( and I would expect I would have similar feelings.
Sounds like that clownfish was one tough hombre', and I'm sorry to hear that it passed.


Sorry about your loss! Think of it like this that clownfish has gone to the big reef in the sky, but he'll always be smileing down on your reef. Hope you find another fish that will ease your pain, and good fishkeeping;)


Active Member
I dont think you are being silly at all. I am truely sorry about your loss. Today I woke up and found my coral beauty no longer with me and I had it for 6 months and was totally depressed about it, so I feel your pain. 12 years is a wonderful accomplishment , you keep up the good work. ;)


blue,that made me cry...i think people who get attatched to any kind of Gods creatures are very and your daughter will have a kindness and understanding towards humans and other because of the lessons in life you shared with one little fish.always rember that in the love we share with a non human,comes a special kind of grace...staying with us always


As I have a sebae clown as well named "Clownie", I feel your pain. He is my first real saltwater fish, i've had him about 8 months. 12 years is a long time. I am sure the poor old guy is sitting pretty in fishy heaven. Sending one up to the big guy!


Active Member
reading this made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside(no offense)
I do have to disagree with you a little though. This does not seem like more than a hobby, somtimes. THe key is sometimes. IT IS DEFINITELY MORE THAN A HOBBY. ALWAYS.
gotta love it.

sinner's girl

Snif. I don't think you're being silly. I get upset/stressed when i think something is wrong with one of the fish. When my yellow tang was sick i stay up most of the night worried about it.
Our become more than just fish...esp the longer they are with us.


Thank you for all the kind comments. Its nice to know that there are others out there who are into fishkeeping like me and my family are. I'm also glad that you didn't think I was being silly or wierd because at first, or to people who do not keep fish, it does sound a little rediculous to be so attached to a fish.
Last night, we didn't even go look at the tank. None of us felt like looking at it. My daughter said, "Geez, its like staring at an empty tank without Clownie." I reminded her that there are so many other things in there to look at and she replied, "Yea, but no clownie." Its strange how for the past few days things have changed. The excitement is not there right now. I told her that we are all just getting over the death of clownie and that in time we will move on and enjoy the tank again. There is a strange quietness around my house right now. My wife and daughter are really affected by this. I was always the one who was really into fishkeeping but it is obvious now that the love of fish has affected two more people!


Sorry for your loss. It's easy to see how it can affect you when you've had it through all those trials and tribulations. I hope your daughter finds a suitable sucessor to clownie to stay with you for another 12 years.


Well, he lived for 12 years... That's probably all you can expect from that kind of fish. I would go as far as to say he was past the limit. Excellent reefkeeping.


My eyes are completely welled up reading about Clownie.
All my fish have names, my shrimp have names, they all have their individual personalities.
My tank is in my office, behind my desk, when clients or one of the kids that works for me come in and go up to the tank to look, they all scatter and hide. But when I come in, and I mean this, they all come out to the front glass to welcome me, or I suppose just looking for food. But they do recognize. And that's a nice feeling.
sorry about Clownie, take your daughter to the LFS and tell her your not replacing Clownie, just adopting a relative to come home with you both.