Somthing other than live rock?


I have a 55 gallon FOWLR and I want to put something other than just live rock in it. Is there any plants or coral or anything i can put in it? I don't have just regular lights and can't afford anything else right now. Thanks.


Active Member
If you look on the classified section of this site (and other sites) you can probably get a used 48" pc light for about the cost of a single coral ($40-50). That's my suggestion.
Now there are things you could buy, but typically cost close to as much as a used pc light, which is why I mentioned that first. You could get a sun coral, tube anemone, feather dusters (many kinds out there), non-photosynthetic gorgonians, and non-photosynthetic sponges. You may even be able to find some tunicates or sea squirts. Flame scallops are colorful and non-photosynthetic as well.
Most, if not all of these require manual feeding of various things. Also, most of them are at least moderately difficult to keep. I suggest researching any you might purchase individually.
I still recommend saving a little and just getting a cheap PC light because then you can really get quite a lot of things.


Originally Posted by Nymustang7
What does pc light mean?And can i get them for my 90 gallon tank?
that is power compact florescent light -PC for short there is alot shortcuts we all use to words.


Active Member
PC stands for Power Compact. It's a more powerful type of lighting than what normally comes with aquariums (NO or normal output lights).
Here are the aquarium lights I suggest you do a search on and research on this and other sites. They are listed in order from least to most powerful...
NO - normal output
PC - power compact
VHO - Very high output (VHO and PC are about the same intensity and price)
t5 - high output lights (highly recommend individual reflectors for each bulb as that is what makes these better than others)
MH - metal halide
You can probably find PC fixtures up to 72" in length, although I'm not positive about that as I've never looked for that size. I know you can get 2 36" fixtures though. 48" is common too.


Actually I made a top/light out of a 4' fluorescent shop light. While planing my aquarium I was going to go with VHO retrofit kit and build a canopy. I ran into some unexpected expenses so i am making do. But a used PC sounds like a great idea. Would a PC enable me to get an anemone? My tank is 18" deep, thanks.


Active Member
On that tank, if you can get 220 watts of PC you could keep a bulb tip anemone. I don't recommend any others though. Send me an email at and I can tell you of some other places to get some used lights.