somthing stuck to my clowns lip

david s

it looks like a piece of shrimp but I caint believe he would swim around like this. is this a parisite ??I am going to try to post pics
the tank is a 90 gal been up over a year all water per normal
these clowns have been in tank about a year I do have a cleaner shrimp in tank. If you need any other info just ask. If this is a problem I really want to get on it quick. as all my fish have been happy for over a year now. thanks David
Ps that white near the clowns mouth in not a glare that is it. It looks like the color of mysis shrimp food and sticks strait out from right near the bottom lip or maybe his mouth it is that close to his mouth that I caint tell

david s

no but i will look and do a search on it thanks bang
I checked the bug I had one of them years ago with my other setup I guess I will have to keep and eye on it because it just appeared today and is kind of hard to see


Staff member
Try dental floss! LOL
Seriously, my clown gets food stuck in its teeth some times too. Get a magnifying glass and take a good close look.

david s

thanks terry and beth first I will look alot closer to make sure he doent need a toothbrush lol. then I will go get a fish trap he wont be hard to catch they are little pigs at feeding time hehe and do a fw dip
thanks david

david s

well I checked him this morning it is gone :D he musta needed dental floss or my cleaner got to him thanks for the help guys and gals of course


Staff member
:D Yeah, those little clowns have BIG teeth that easily get food trapped in them.....they usually try to grap on to something that is just too big for them, then the food gets stuck.