Sooo Frustrated!!! Why Won't It Cycle!!!!!


:confused: So does that mean EVERYTIME I add more Live Rock, my tank is going to go threw a mini cycle? I only have like 25 lbs of live rock, so in the future I want to get more. But does that mean like if I have my lion in there and I put more live rock in there its going to go back into a cycle stage? Or same thing with adding more fish later on after its cycled... does that mean whenever I add something new its going to go back into cycle mode?


Well-Known Member
In a word yes.
But as the system matures these cycles will become smaller and shorter. And with active plant life almost unnoticable. Hopefully the LR you now have will become covered with plant life.


And you can also cure any new LR you get in a seperate container. Just make sure you have a powerhead and a heater for the LR and in about 2 weeks it'll be safe to put in your tank with out the mini cycle occurring.


If it's already cured, then have the LFS bag it in a full bag of water so that it remains covered in water during transport home.
Get small bits at a time if you dont wish to cure it yourself, and add it slowly, maybe a 3lb rock this week, and a 4lb rock next week etc. This will minimize the cycle effect *unless the rock is really uncured and the LFS is trying to pass it off as fully cured rock*.
Use your nose, and sniff the rock, if it stinks, it's not fully cured
Personally speaking though, if you already have some serious money invested in livestock in your tank, then theres no point to taking a chance, and you might as well just cure it at home to make sure. But hey, it's up to you.
I went to one LFS that the worker said their rock was fully cured, then I went back a week later to get some more, and the LFS owner said it was not cured at all. So buyer beware.
Goodluck, have patience, and keep in mind before you get your lionfish, that they can be seen as "watching the grass grow", my dwarf is very inactive just kind of hangs around the liverock all day, might swim once or twice during the day, but otherwise definately very much a rock potato.


New Member
How can I attach cell phone picture.. can't use didgital camera. computer DVD drive broken.. My attachment is too big.. Please help..


My two cents....even though you've probably already heard it from everyone else!
If you are freaking out about problems with you tank, then you did not do your homework before setting your system up. I just started this hobby in January and of course everyone will have their share of problems or need advice on how to handle a problem. But this freaking out is not going help. You said yourself you were told not to touch anything while your tank was cycling....yet you kept changing things. Bingo...there's your answer.
Patience is needed in this hobby. Hopefully once you get the hang of this hobby it will calm you down as most people find this to be a very relaxing and joyful hobby.
As for the lionfish who cares if they sell it. They will either get more or you can order one online. But won't a lionfish eat and or kill the other fish you have listed you have?
Make sure your fish are compatible before you buy on impulse. Otherwise this could be a very costly hobby for you!
Enjoy this hobby read through these forums not only when you have a problem but to understand and gain knowledge about this hobby. It will only help you enjoy yourself more.


Hmmm, it appears the tests are being conducted with the Aquarium Pharmacuticals tests.
Try a different test to be sure, I basically threw away my AP test kit and went with some tetras, saliferts, and res sea and they showed me 0 amonia when my AP was still measuring amonia at .25 and my nitrites were off comparitively as well.


I dont think it's cycled completely, but it's on its way.
Judging by the nitrite photo it's still too high to be cycled completely, the nitrite on those test kits should really be powder blue when it's cycled. And amonia still looks a bit higher than the bright yellow.
Nitrates will probably go up even during the cycle. My nitrates went up to about 20 to 40 while I still showed amonia, and nitrites in the tank.
As someone else said, Patience Grasshopper, Patience.


Personally, I've had my fare share of dead fish in my lifetime, and I would NOT put a lion and eel or any other fish in the tank until Amonia is 0, Nitrites are really close to 0, and then I would wait another week and check the water paramaters again just to be certain. Then I might add one of the two livestock you said, but not both at the same time. Add one, let the system buildup to tolerate it, then when stable again, add the next items, maybe 1 to 2 weeks apart.
It seems to me your just lacking patience which this hobby really demands.
See if your LFS will allow you to pay for the critters and hold them till your tanks ready, at least you can go visit them until it is. If not and they end up getting sold, then special order new ones. My LFS may not be good in special ordering products like skimmers, filters etc, but he's pretty good as of late about taking an order from customers and trying to get them what they want on the following mondays when he goes fish shopping. Maybe yours is too.


I already have all the LR in there. Its been in for a while... Also the green wolf is on hold... but the lion is a VERY SPECAIL Lion that no one has ever seen before... I HAVE to get this lion. They said they WILL NOT HOLD IT AND THEY WILL NOT LET ME PAY FOR IT AND HOLD IT TILL MY TANK IS DONE. I've heard that Lions and eels are VERY Harty and can take alot more than other fish.


What type of lion is it? I gaurantee you that you will be able to find it somewhere online. And if your LFS doesn't know what type of lion it is...I think it's time to choose another LFS. I see that they've already given you a lot of misinformation. For example, that you must have the fish in your tank to cycle. That is completely misleading and an outright lie. Looks to me like they just want you to waste your money. I really don't think that you've researched enough to be jumping in so quickly. Why would you even want to add livestock while your tank is still cycling?? Trust me when I say that an eel and/or a lion will not be near as hardy as the damsels. Damsels will live through ANYTHING. Other livestock, unfortunately, won't. I'm afraid you might just end up wasting a lot of money and killing everything. I'm not trying to criticize...just warn. The people on this site are only here to help you. Please heed their advice. It's tempting to disregard good advice if it's not what you want to hear and do your own thing. You could run into a lot of mistakes in doing so. Good luck!


DeJay you just gotta be strong!!! I know it stinks not being able to get the fish you want. I've wanted a mandarin for over 1/2 a year now. But I've held off getting one because I was told they need at least 100lbs of LR, my 29G only has 35lbs. So I've been patient and saved up money, I'm now setting up my 110G with 140lbs of LR but I'm still gonna have to wait at least 6 more months before buying my mandarin. I'm patient because I don't want to waste my money and I don't want to be cruel to the fish. You just have to be patient and make sacrifices. What misty said was true, you'll be able to find that fish somewhere else, or more likely the LFS can order you another 1. Like everyones been saying, we're here to help you and we have nothing to gain by telling this. Ultimately the decision is yours though... choose wisely grasshopper