Soooo aaahhh, whatcha think??


Active Member
Horrible. Tigers and such should never be sold to the public. Im sorry but that is disgusting.


Crap, I just saw they sell fish, so before this thing gets deleted, I will ruin the fun and point out that this sight is totally fake.
Thought up by Charlottes own morning team Ace and TJ, on the radio.
I think they did it to see the responses they'd get and have fun with it, which was my intention when I posted it, but I think because it sells fish, it'd get locked up...
Anyway, fool your friends with it...have fun.


Active Member
god thats either a great gagg or a trap laid by law enforcement to catch dumb people trying to buy illeagle animals either way its frikken hilarious.


Active Member
Yeah I've seen that place before, I love the testimonials "They duct taped my baby tigers mouth shut so he wouldn't make noise". Who would take that for real? I was going to order a tiger and a bunch of small animals and request they be shipped in the same box.


The day they put it out, they did a commercial ad for the sight... You would not BELIEVE how many people wrote/called in to protest. It was aired as any other commercial, but Ace and TJ took a LOT of crap for it, but in the end, it was all funny!!


Active Member
ive bought 3 panguins on this sight there shippes very well and extremelly healthy i couldnt be happier. i have a pair of elephant comeing next week via fed ex


Active Member
my kids were extremely pleased with the Albino Rhino they got for Easter... im sure they are gonna love the honey badgers they are getting for xmas!!!


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
hmmmmm, im confused, the albino black leopard i bought died during acclimation, whatd i do wrong? :notsure:
From what i've read the albino version needs 4 hours of acclimation and not the 3 that the normal black leopard needs. Also since its albino the sunscreen needs to be keep at ~ 400 ppm so they don't get sun burns. If that happens they need to be keep in a dark room and feed 3 lemmings every 3 hours on the hour untill the red in their eyes has gone away... hope this helps for your next one! ***)


I don't know what you are all talking albino human child arrived it perfect condition. No acclimation needed.