
Active Member
Copepods among other types of pods are microfauna and flourish in reef tanks multiplying by the hundreds and are looked at as a food source for many marine animals. They feed off algea on your LR and your tank.
Although cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp look alike IMO they do not do the same things. Cleaner shrimp are parasite eaters and are constantly parousing your tank cleaning anything and everything it can. Especially all new additions, even your hand if you place it in your tank. They have a bold temperment and are quite forward. Fire shrimp on the other hand seem to be much more timid. They dont have the tendency to clean per se like cleaner shrimp do. And IMO they are much more tempermental to tank changes, water quality, temperature, and or aqua scape changes.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
But my question to you all is, do you notice any of your snails reproducing in your tanks?
About a month ago I noticed about 50 tiny white snails in a group on the back glass of my reef tank. They were about the size of a pin head and I could not tell what type they were. Today they have grown and the shape of the shell is like a cone, similar to a turbo snail. Since I have many turbos, I am assuming they had babies but I am not sure. They have spread througout the tank and are munching away on the algae on the glass and have also moved to the LR. They are still too small to get a good pic. Also, I have several white thread like worms living in my LR. They are not out all the time but show up at feeding time. I don't think they are bristle worms because they are smooth and look just like white thread about 2-3 inches long. Any ideas what they may be?