Sorry about the length lots of questions......


New Member it now looks like I am going to have a 55gal tank..... now for the few questions.....
Sand....I am looking at using playsand and then a smaller amount of LS to feed it....round how much will I need. If I am right a good 4-5 inches is a good sand depth?? what type of ratio do I want to make sure it goes well.
Live Rock....Fiji is what is recomended right? (I think that is what I have been reading) I keep sing different amounts of pounds and such. I am looking for a medium size rock (size, growth, deminsions) so would 40-50 pounds be good or would that be too much for too little?
Water....I am looking at doing the whole water from walmart thing. Questions I have.....what is the best salt to use (I know not table salt =P). What is the best way to mix the salt and water? (hehe ready for the smartass answers ont his one...I just dont want to mess anythign up.)
Okay these are my questions for rest asured that I will have more once I get my cycle started...


Yes, a good sand bed is about 4-5" depth. There isn't a formula on what ratio you could get for mixing livesand with playsand. I'm alway try to get as much as I could. Some dealer prefered 1 lbl of livesand per gallon.
Fiji is the most commonly use in Saltwater trade. We do recommend getting many different types of play live sand and live rock to get better diversity in your system. Mostly, 1-2 lb of liverock per gallon if you are going with the Berlin method of filtration.
Getting RO water from Walmart is a good idea, just to make sure that water do not containe phosphate, nitrate, copper etc. I have been using Instance Ocean salt brande seen the beginning.
About mixing water, use a small container (I used 10 G tank) mix RO water with IO salt(I used an old RIO power head).
When your tank is completely setup and running, try to add some frozen food (1/2 cube) into the tank to start the cycle. This 1/2 cube will be food for the bacteria to eat and multiply etc.
clear as mud?
good luck

bang guy

4 - 5" of sand is great. About 10 pounds of LS will seed your bed well. Don't get the bagged live sand. Get is from a fellow hobbiest or someplace that sells live sand containing worms and bugs and such. Don't add the live sand until your tank has completed its cycle though.
Fiji rock is excellent. I would get uncured with a new tank but most people prefer cured. The rock will cycle your tank in 4 - 8 weeks. Your sand will be doing most of the biologic filtration once it's cycled so the amount of rock you want is up to you. Anywhere in the 25 - 100 pound range will be fine.
I use Instant Ocean salt because it's cheap but most are very good. Coralife is the only salt I've ever had a problem with. When mixing it's best to pour water and then vigerously stir in the appropriate amount of salt, about 1/2 cup per gallon. I aerate mine for 24 hours before adding but it doesn't matter for a new tank.


New Member
Okay dont slap me upside the head on this one.....just trying to get things all straight in my head. While books are good and all hearing from you all who are doing it at my level as well is a big help.
So you are suggesting that I go ahead and add my playsand to the bottom and the live rocks? then let is cycle and then add the live sand?? I am a little confused on this part.....

bang guy

Originally posted by HideNGoSeek:
<strong>So you are suggesting that I go ahead and add my playsand to the bottom and the live rocks? then let is cycle and then add the live sand?? I am a little confused on this part.....
Exactly! :) You understood me perfectly. And... Ask away! It's ALWAYS best to get it right the first time. But remember... there are 100 ways to setup a reef tank. Ask for different opinions and then do what suits you. Keep in mind that most of us have made all the newby mistakes and would rather you not :)


Read the thread DSB NEGATIVES Before you decide to go a DSB. The thread is a great thread that explains both the good and bad about DSB's. You may not need one if your rock can handle your bioload, and you won't have to have 6 inches of sand taking up space in your tank. I am not against DSB's, I just think that they are used to much when they are not needed. Now if you like the look of 6 inches of sand in your tank then go for it and enjoy the benefits.


New Member
hmmm i cant seem to find that thread..=( But I read a few others concening a DSB. If i am right in my thinking the LR will naturally seed the PS I put in? Or do I need to order a seed kit offline? Will the LR have the tubes and pods I will need to sustain the filtration and ecosystem of the tank? This way I will be able to keep my sand at around a 2 inch depth but it will still end up helping in the filtration of the tank. I guess this also depends on if I am going to use the right amount of LR....from what I have read it is about 1-2lbs per gallon....or would it be more if I dont add any LS?