Sorry... Another Livestock Reccomendation Thread

I have a 30 Gallon long and am looking for 1 or possibly 2 fish to add. My tank has been established for about 4 months and I have the following in it now:
1 False Perc
1 Bi-color Chromis
6 Red leg hermits
1 Sally Lightfoot
1 Cleaner Shrimp
27-30lbs of LR.
I just lost a Coral Beauty about a week ago (3 weeks fine, not sure why, ate, and acted fine along with water Parameters good) So I am not sure I want a Dwarf Angel at this time.
I am thinking about the following:
Saddle Valentini Puffer
Yellow Watchmen Goby
Red Parrot Fairy
Something neat and eye catching but not too much $$.
Any thoughts?


The yellow watchman goby is on sale at right now for 4.99...BUT the one I had jumped out of 1/2" opening so be aware of that......THEY DO JUMP!!
I am also a believer that the clowns should be in pairs...believe me they look like they belong together.


Hmmm...I have no clue about that. I bought both of mine together, BUT I think I may have read other posts that stated they bought them seperately...good question to ask someone who knows more.


Active Member
introduce a smaller clown than the one you have. That way there is less chance for a superiority fight. Hopefully yours will 'assume the position' of the female and you will be fine. It may take time for them to get used to eachother, but they shouldnt kill eachother.
Have you thought about maybe a firefish? they are smallish, pretty stationary (dont need a ton of swimming space) and they are very pretty

What about a midas blenny? bright colors and great personality.
Are you looking for a specific color?
Great recommendations...
I did read that later to introduce clowns separately make sure you get a smaller one than is currently in there.
Thanks for the advice...
I am thinking about Saddle Valentini Puffer they have really caught my eye.... I am just scared he would eat my Cleaner Shrimp.. they don't get too big from what I read and my cleaner shrimp is close to 2 in now.


Originally Posted by fade2black011
I have a 30 Gallon long and am looking for 1 or possibly 2 fish to add. My tank has been established for about 4 months and I have the following in it now:
1 False Perc
1 Bi-color Chromis
6 Red leg hermits
1 Sally Lightfoot
1 Cleaner Shrimp
27-30lbs of LR.
I just lost a Coral Beauty about a week ago (3 weeks fine, not sure why, ate, and acted fine along with water Parameters good) So I am not sure I want a Dwarf Angel at this time.
I am thinking about the following:
Saddle Valentini Puffer
Yellow Watchmen Goby
Red Parrot Fairy
Something neat and eye catching but not too much $$.
Any thoughts?
why not just try another coral beauty? i dont think you'll find a more peaceful, colorful, interesting, and inexpensive fish as a coral beauty