Sorry Guys


Sorry guys I have turned to the dark side and gone with a "Fresh Water" tank I know I know it horriable but the parents say I have to "PROVE" my dedication to my aquarium before I get and expensive salt water tank.
Dont worry I am still going to learn and have lots of questions on this site, but I was wondering if anyone knew of a site like this one yet for freshwater fish?? If you know of any cool looking freshwater fich tall me ill check them out!!
Dont hate me cause im fresh water !! lol



Boo! Hiss!, Go away...No, just kidding! LOL. The only good looking (freshwater fish) I know of are the African Ciclids. They come in nice variety of colors. Hey, Good luck with the FW, and we'll be here to answer your SW questions and when you decide to convert. :jumping:


thx for understainding i was pretty pi$$ed when they told me I had to prove my self:mad: :mad: I apreciat the vote for the afrian cicilds I was look at them already the are pretty cool lookin!! Can I still get clowns yet just for freshwater and will live plants still help in filtration of my tank, cause in only 2 days of setup I have like brown algae on my sand bed and my filter wont get it.
Also can I get a type of clean p crew like a SW tank or Can I only get those Pleco.. things??
I know its about freshwater but i need these questions answer'd
Thx for help a fellow tanker out.

cayman isl

Freshwater tanks are not a bad thing! I have a 45 gallon FW with 3 bala sharks and 2 electric yellow lab cichlids. Then again, I also have a 20 gallon SW QT and a 55 gallon SW FOWLR so I get the best of both worlds.
The electric yellows are very cool and not that expensive. They grow to be about 5 inches long and are mouth brooders. If you get some you may eventually see a female have a swollen chin and look like she is chewing gum! If so, she has a batch of fry in her mouth!
Good luck, if you do a Yahoo search for cichlids you will find some good information. A good forum like this is at
Here is a picture of one:


Active Member
Hey, Don't feel bad. When I was growing up that was all that I could afford (or take care of). I only have a ninety gallon tank now and have spent over a couple of thousand on the set up, live rock, fish etc. No way could I have afforded this until I was an adult with a very good paying job. Fresh water fish are fun too, and a lot easier to keep alive and well. Lesley


If you really want salt water, and dont want your parents to know, set up a brackish tank and hide the salt under your bed. Not many people know what a brackish tank is. Some cool fish too, such as archers, green puffers, and flounders. Look into it. Your folks wont know the difference.
i have had a variety of smaller fish and think my favorite has been my marbled angel (mine is small but i have seen some that got really big at the lfs), and my black skirted tetra, so you could get a few of them to make a nice tank, kissing gouramis have lots of personality and get pretty big, just some thoughts


i also had to go freshwater, in fact i still have a 30gal fresh tank with just different types of pretty fish (its mostly my girlfreinds tank) i would say go with the ciclids. i had a 75 gal with ciclids for years, real easy to keep and almost impossible to kill. my lfs let me order the ones i wanted, so buy a book on them and find the cool ones. there are some very colorful ciclids out there. they tend to be a little on the mean side so if you do decide on them your pretty much stuck with only them. as for as plants in there ciclids eat everything and anything so plantlife wouldnt last long, goodluck. to bad we cant get snakeheads anymore:mad:

mr. tuna

Active Member
thats ok, you can have beautiful fish in a fresh water tank,
but if you just proove that you are capable of taking good care of it, remember that you will move on to a salt water tank.


Active Member
i've had cichids too, and unless you want an ENORMUS supply, DO NOT get convicts, they are underwater rabbits and will multiply constantly. cool to see the first time, but i could hardly give them away. it was incredible in a 125 tank, looked like a jail!!!
if you go with a community tank, i had an elephant nose, he was sooo cool. but like in saltwater, u need to watch which fish you mix together.
brackish is beautiful (and some can become saltwater fish also)
discus are very nice too
and yes cichlids will even eat the artifical plants


thx for all your help guy
i Really apprecciate it alot
Can some one post a pic of what a snakehead looks like and why we can't get them anymore!
I also need some major help of lowing my Ph i have done the test three threw a 2 week span and have used chemicals to get it normal but it always is super alkalinity and I dont know what to do know Thx again
I have a 44 gallon freshwater tank with
-3 opaline gouramis
-1 golden gourami
-2 pearl gouramis
-10 bloodfin tetras
-2 angelfish
-1 pleco
All of my gouramis are enourmous, and beutiful, especially the pearl ones. I had some dwarf cinnamin and powder blue gouramis, but they all tried to squeeze between rocks, and died.
I have so many plants in my aquarium, that I don't even have to feed my fish anymore, they just eat the plants, and I only have to clean the tank twice a year.
...I didn't get cichlids, because I don't like agressive fish.
My neighbor has all cichlids, because they "look like saltwater fish," but gouramis look just as much like saltwater fish as cichlids do. IMO.:happyfish


when using tap water for fresh tanks ph can be a real problem. i found that a chemical called discus buffer works the best. you just have to keep at it and it will finally stableize. the reason snakeheads are illegal is because they can become very large and they are nasty preditors. they also eat plantlife as well as other fish. once they got to big for there tanks people were letting them go into streams and ponds and they pretty much will destrot the place. they also can live in cold water and poor water quility so our wonderful goverment decided to outlaw them


Thx for all the replies guys i am greatful.
If you think of anymore fish or other forum sites let me know
Thx for you understaing and help


Active Member
You know...I have over 220 gallons of saltwater tanks in my house...right now I have another 90, I got for Christmas, in the process of being set is going to be freshwater Discus...a breath of fresh air so to say from the salt...freshwater isn't so bad...


i agree with every one else there are a lot of interesting fresh water fish out ther we were into fresh water a long time we raised angles sold the young to help pay for the rest we also had african ciclids raised them to. mouth brooders very active fish fun to watch i still have to look at angles and ciclids wen we go to the lfs good luck and have fun .