Sorry Guys


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Unknown
[]thx for understainding i was pretty pi$$ed when they told me I had to prove my self:mad: :mad: I apreciat the vote for the afrian cicilds I was look at them already the are pretty cool lookin!! Can I still get clowns yet just for freshwater and will live plants still help in filtration of my tank
, cause in only 2 days of setup I have like brown algae on my sand bed and my filter wont get it.
Vince. [/B]
Absolutely!!!!! (on the plants).
Email me for details and I do not sell anything for the aquarium trade. If you want an extremely easy to maintain freshwater system email me


New Member
Have you thought of an Oscar. I simply love mine I have him and a silver dollar, and pleco in a 75 not many fish but all three of them get pretty big and the oscar is the funniest fish also very friendly to. Has a bad habit of moveing things around the tank like the fake plants, he fights with his reflection on the side of the tank. My neighbor has one and hers is 10" long so jealous my O is only 6" right now and have had him around 5 months these fish do grow pretty rapidly and are big eaters try checking out if your interested in them. I am able to pet my O while doing tank matinence or vacuming the gravel. Although he only lets me get in a stroke or two any more and he runs two the other corner. I have have fresh water fish now for about seven years and love them.
Good luck with the tank and the fish you choose.


I hate my email srry beslbob My email is being retarded and wont send you my message. I will put you on my conatas list and when it is running again I will email you or if you want to just tell me what you want to say in this forum.
I thought about oscars and cichilds but I heard that they are carnivouse fish and real rough tank mates and im looking not to have to buy feeder fish and I want a community tank that will last about a year or two/three:jumping:
Thx and as I said before if you know of any forum sites like let me now i need lots of help and I dan't want to keep bothering the good people of


Yeah I was looking at mollies to get since I can switch them over. Is it like that with all mollies or just some and what other fish can be switched over from FW to SW like that:notsure:
Thx for all the help guys I really appriciate it

If you get mollies or guppies, get ready to have alot of fish, as the propigate regularly.
FW are very easy, I would say that starting with salt would offend more people, as you would no doubt recklessly kill creatures.
I suggest a community tank.....
clown loaches and balas for sure....
good luck.


yeah I got 4 clown loaches yesterday and acclimated them they are doing great I like them a lot. The guy at the LFS told me to feed the brine and bits of shirmp is that right?? I also have redtail sharks i think and I bought them from him to and i know they eat brine and shrimp!!
Does anyone know were DRfish is or fishDR in Michigan in Yipsailanty??
How do you create alegea for a FW I need some for my pleco or he will die
I have been getting him algea chis but I dont think he likes them at all:nope: