

2 day's ago, I bought two 4 striped damsels from *****. I have had my ten gallon aquarium set up for 3 months and everything looked as if it was perfect. I put the damsels in the tank and they hid behind my fake coral. The next morning, I noticed one of them was acting strangely, by that afternoon, they both had died. So obviously something was wrong with the water.
Here is everything:
Distilled Water that said it was processed by reverse osmosis.
Crushed coral
Amm, rite, rate were all the correct levels.
A fake coral
I'm guessing that it was one of those other things in the water that you are supposed to test for that I didn't really learn much about. But I don't know anything about that.
I am not going to retry a saltwater tank anytime soon; definantly some day when I have more money.
For those of you who know me and remember talking to me (threads), I’ll bet you never would have guessed I am only 14 years old.


Active Member
While I'm new to these boards, and I'm just now back into my aquarium, I know enough to tell you that a couple of fish dying from ***** doesn't neccessarily make you to blame. Shortly after college I went to work in a fish warehouse that shipped fish to Dallas/Ft. Worth stores. I quit after 2 days because of the horrific mortality rate there.
I can't say all of them, but it's been my exp. that many pet stores, especially ones that have salt water fish off to one corner, often sell fish that are doomed. Did you notice any dead fish in any of their tanks while you were at the store?
The damsel family are a bunch of hardy little guys, though I'm not familiar with the particular ones you bought. Still I'd say check your ph, temp, and salinity.
Hang around a bit and see what the more exp. posters say.
Sorry to hear about the's tough
I can give you some advice about the purchasing of fish from *****. If you are determined to buy from them....once you have selected the fish you want.........spend some time watching them. Look for odd swimming, inability to balance themselves, cloudiness around the eyes, nice shiny and spot-free scales. If the fish seems fine, ask a store clerk to feed him. Knowing *****'s feeding practices, the fish will take to the food pretty fast if it is healthy. It is still a gamble no matter what precautions you take, but maybe these will help you a bit with your future purchases.


Im also 14 :D
I am just about to set up my tank.
Sorry about the losses.
Its probably just the pet-store you bought them from and I think you should give it another shot. If I were you I would take out that crushed coral and put some play sand in. Then the next time you order your fish get them from this web-site. I have heard good things and they have an acclimation guide on the live-stock page. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Your experience is very common in new tanks. What happened was there was not enough bacteria to process the bioload from the fish. In a day the ammonia spiked causing the fish loss.
First I recommend you add some plant life. plant life consumes ammonia as well as nitrates and phosphates.
second, next time don't feed the fish for a week.
If you do 1) for a week and then 2) there is a very good chance the fish will survive. Hang in there. This is the hardest part.
P.S. I have found plain old mollies are hardier than damsels. but in small tanks only use 1 male.


Active Member
Your fish may have died due to osmotic shock...if you didn't acclimate them properly, even though they are tough..they are not that tough...
I doubt an amonia spike killed them...with damsels...that doesnt happen too often.


hang in there little one.... there are tons of people here, who will help you! sorry to hear about your fish, but its probably not your fault.... ive heard lots of bad things about *****!
it's really good to see young people taking challenges and responsiblity of maintaining an aquarium. I would really hate to see you abandon, what you love. hang in there guy.


yeah I dont think is was ammonia spike I think it would still be showing on your tests if that was the case.
might have been some damage due to collecting- the stress of well lets say under takin care of tanks from the pet store and then with the move was to much to handle for them.
I wouldn't really dwell on it but be cautious of what you get and where it comes from.
for the most part ***** isnt the best SW store in the world there are some of them that are decent from what I hear but in general I dont think its a store to buy livestock without watching and QTing the new arrivals for 4 weeks or so to make sure there is nothing coming with them.(( but thats good advice for anyone getting any livestock from anywhere))
Do you have any LR in the tank if not I would suggest aleast some damsels like to hide inside the rock at nite and feel safe and its less stress for a fish to have a ton of hiding places.