Soupy's Stinky Stuff


This is what all I used: I took one "chunk" off of the garlic clove, two sheets of Nori (found it for $2 at "East East" (asian market on Campbell), a 2" x 4" chunk of frozen mysid shrimp, 5 whole shrimp (I shelled them, and took off their legs), 4 cubes of Mega-Marine, a ping-pong ball sized chunk of freeze-dried cyclop-eeze (I figure the freeze-dried would suck up all the juices better), 2 oz. of RO/DI, and 3 cubes of brine.


I mixed it all. I had to stop the blender twice and stir the nori sheets in better. It really didn't smell TOO AWFULLY BAD...


I then poured it all into this baggie. The hardest part was getting all the gunk out from under the blades. I threw it in the freezer so that it makes a flat sheet that I can chip off.


I did shake the knife I used to empty the blender out in my tank - everyone wanted to nibble on the gunk that floated off... I'll keep you all posted after the stuff freezes - and let you know how well everyone likes it. All in all, it cost me VERY LITTLE for this project and I hope the fish appreciate the work I've done. With almost eveything being frozen, it didn't stink as bad as I thought.
Oh well - lemme know what you all think.


Just FYI, I have the following fish in my tank: 2 false percs, 2 pajama cardinals, a flame angel, and a yellow wrasse. The fish ate everything quite aggressively - except the nori. I can assume that those of you who have fish that are mainly vegetarians will gobble the nori up, but my wrasse and pajama cardinals just seemed to nibble at the stuff - but spit it back out (maybe it just smelled good to them). Anyway, the next batch I make, I'll be sure to add more meat and less (MUCH LESS) of the nori. I did notice that the cyclops had absorbed enough water, etc that they no longer floated! I guess if ANYTHING, I've found that I can get the stuff to load up on water and garlic and sink!


Really? That's interesting. Do you know how you can get "JUICE" without the "pulp"? I'd like to know how this is done!


What I do is take the clove of garlic and mash it. Let it soak in a little bit of water for a while. Then strain the water and you have your garlic juice.


Active Member
:eek: stinky stuff isn't it? I put kents garlic extreme in my "mush" . Used to do the ziplock bag until I was at the $1
store and found these LITTLE ice cube trays. They were great,
now I have to find some more though, beacuse they were really cheap and lasted only about 1 1/2 years. Back to the ziplock bag I went.


So does using the GARLIC not garlic JUICE yeild any negative reults - or is it just because the fish won't eat the chunks that you should use the juice?


I've had this one for a couple of months now. I got him to replace the six-line wrasse I had that decided to go carpet surfing... He has gotten MUCH more colors since being introduced to my tank. He was pretty plain looking at the LFS. Only "bad" thing it does is burrow under my aragonite at night. I'm sure if I had a DSB, this would be a problem. But so far "big bird" as my wife calls him, is one of the more active, quick to feed, and colorful fish in the tank.


Yeah, mines is a PIG, he likes to steal the food from my anenomes and corals I feed..which is why I got to get rid of him after 2 years..


New Member
You can actually buy garlic juice in the food store. It comes in a spray and is suppose to be just garlic.