south down sand


Active Member
I have been serching, but everyone tells me its the end of the season. Nobody is carring it seems. :( I don't know how far west but good luck.


There is a place on line that sells it. But I cant tell you the name of the site here, Sorry.


New Member
I live in Pittsburgh and just purchased 100# for $8 at the depot, they just got a new shipment in this week!!


They only ship as far west as Ohio, that's what the rep said. call a sand and gravel dealer and see if they have any beach sand, that is what i did!


I'm in Minneapolis, well west of Ohio, and we have Home Depots all over the place! Home Depot is huge, and I'm sure they'll ship practically anywhere. They have a web page you can check out for more info. :)


of course home depot is all over the country :confused: Southdown only ships as far west as ohio, that came directly from there corporate office :rolleyes:


Thanks everybody. I would do all live sand but i dont have the $$ for it, i am only a student. My lfs does sell some beach sand but they want close to the price of the live sand.


Anybody have the sku # of the southdown sand? The brand is not listed at the hd website. I searched on the net, and found an old sku for it, but it doesn't work at the hd site when searching its sku database.
I have a friend who is a general manager of a home depot here but I wanted to have some current info for him to order by....he might not be familiar with the brand either since it's only sold in certain states!
Thanks for your help..... :cool:


since its not sold on the west coast is there a cheap equivalent(sp) to southdown that we can get??


There is a sand and gravel place here in Oregon that sells beach sand from the sand dunes in southern Oregon for 7$ for 50lbs. Viking you are from California, you have got to have some landscape company or someone down there that sells beach sand. Why don’t you just go to the beach and grab some, was it really well and save even more money!


Staff member
Nature's Ocean sells sand that is not live which is certainly cheaper than their live sand, and probably easier to come by. However, note that any sand that you buy online will have a big shipping price tag attached to it...the shipping will cost more than the sand!
What is the name of the place that sells the dune sand? Did you use it your tank and how is it working for you? I have some buddies that go 4 wheeling at the dunes all the time but I heard it is bad to use sand that comes directly from the ocean, is this true?


Originally posted by option720:
<STRONG> Viking you are from California, you have got to have some landscape company or someone down there that sells beach sand. Why don’t you just go to the beach and grab some, was it really well and save even more money!</STRONG>
i would prefer not to transfer any ---- that is in the beach sand to my tank were it can kill my fish. besides if i was going to attempt this i would take sand from panama city in florida the sand there is superfine and WHITE as new snow, very cool.


Originally posted by dburr:
<STRONG>Southdown spotted in Enfield, CT.
:D Yessss!!!!
Look out, the 90gal. is coming soon!! :D :D</STRONG>
nobody like a poor winner ;)


The name of the place is Oregon Decorative Rock Co. and they are located in Bearverton off Hwy 217 and Denny Rd