South Jersey


New Member
I'm new to this board. I'm trying to find other salt water fish enthuesiasts in the South Jersey area who would like to meet up and trade advice, coral, etc...I consider myself very knowledgable with salt water fish and have plenty of coral, and salt water products to trade (in some cases give away). Just trying to find other's in my area that share the same interest.
I'm 31 and live in Cherry Hill, please reply if you live in the area and are interested in talking/ or possibly trading frag's etc...
I'm going to post a picture of my tank in the next post.


Hello Fishman,
I'm in Medford. I'm not new to fish keeping but I am new to SW. My Wife and I set up a 28 gal bowfront a couple of months ago and all is good so far. We have a false perc, rusty angel and a 6 line wrasse. We also have 2 turbo snails and 5 hermit crabs.
We plan to add some corals but we aren't sure what kinds we can keep. We have a 65 watt Custom Sealife PC so I know we are limited.
So, what is your favorite LFS? :)
Aquarium Discount
Aquarium Center
Aquarium Authority


i lived in medford my whole life and now in delran. i like aquarium authority a lot. they quarantine everything for a few weeks and i have been very happy with the help they provide. a good place for dry goods is in clementon/blackwood. i have a 75 hex with 5 damsels, 2 clown, longnose butterfly, wrasse, and a koran angel. hope you south jersey guys are well. brian.


New Member
sorry for not responding, i've been out of town. I'd like to see if anyone is interested in getting together next week for a frag meet etc...I'd do it this week but I'll be playing poker all weekend. Let me know what you think, we can either meet at my place in Cherry Hill or another local location. I'd really like to meet others who enjoy this hobby in the area. Thanks....and i'll post pictures soon.



Originally posted by FishMan856
sorry for not responding, i've been out of town. I'd like to see if anyone is interested in getting together next week for a frag meet etc...I'd do it this week but I'll be playing poker all weekend. Let me know what you think, we can either meet at my place in Cherry Hill or another local location. I'd really like to meet others who enjoy this hobby in the area. Thanks....and i'll post pictures soon.

Sounds good to me. I don't have anything to contribute though. :(



Originally posted by Drakken
Sounds good to me. I don't have anything to contribute though. :(

Well, I do have some red macro algae I could share. :D