
I keep hearing about this thing called South Sand. Can someone tell me exactly what it is and use for? Is it used for the substrate?How good is it and what's it's purpose?
thanks, Leo :rolleyes:


Active Member
ITs actually South Down Sand Tropical Play Sand. It's an aragonite based "play" sand sold on the east coast for use in sand boxes etc.
It costs about $3-5 a 50lb bag.
Very cheap, good, aragonite sand that makes a good substrate.
Unfortunately, it is not available very far west (someparts of Ohio I am told) unless someone has it shipped, which costs....
And the company that produces it has a very bad environmental record.
I just got my sand bed to 4-5 inches deep this very afternoon and it took 180pds to get here (90gallon tank) and about 9 mos because of cost - I added the last 50lbs today.
This was with
Carib Sea Special Grade - 40lb bag
2 bags of Natures ocean Live Sand from LFS 20lbs each
2 50lb buckets of E.S.V. OOlite Reef sand
Total - $170
As you can see, with South Down I could have spent $20 and spent the other $150 on Live Rock instead.