Southdown, anyone know of some in Southern CA


New Member
I am looking for 100+lbs of Southdown sand to put into another tank, I live in the Riverside, CA/work in Orange County, CA/ areas, anyone know of a HD or some place that has this stuff. :(


I have tried to find South Down on the West Coast myself, and I must tell you that you are wasting your time. Yes, HD carries South Down Sand, but only in their East Coast stores. I even called my local HD to see if I could special order it in, they couldn't do it. But where there's a will, there's a way. I have a brother-in-law in North Carolina who works for an commercial airlione company...he says he can ship a 50 pound bag of Southdown through his work for $16 dollars plus the cost of the sand. So I'd be in it for about $20 bucks a bag (50# bag), but that's still only about .40 cents a pound, as apposed to live sand which is about $1.50 a pound. So if you know anyone out East, it may be worth looking into having it shipped. my Brother-in-law is getting a good deal on shipping through his work though. Good Luck!