
Just spent the last hour calling every Home Dep*t in the western new york area looking for SD Tropical Playsand, and finally found one that has it!!!! $3.99 a 50lb bag!!!! Got a stop to make on the way home from work.... :)
I have a 50 gallon tank, setting it up as a reef w/ LS LR, how mush SD should i get, and how much LS from the LFS should i use? want to do a deep sand bed 4-5 inches....


well, buddy i went and did the same thing and put about 100 lbs in a 90 gal tank, for reef setup, but i boiled it all first and yet still i had and overwhelming amount of brown diatoms(brown algae) blanket the tank, thank god for my 35 hermits and 25 snails, good luck


dont think boiling it will do much for the diatoms, but the diatom bloom is a normal cycle for the sand bed to go thru. it should pass shortly.


Got it!
Stopped up to Home Dep*t in Niagara Falls today... was told on Saturday they had about 80 bags left- only had 20-30 when stopped by today after church... the guy in the nursery section was amazed at how much he has been selling- i explained why people want it-- he said, "Hey- you mean if i stocked this all year I could sell it?" I told him yup!
Anyway- bought 5 bags, just in case... :)
Now- the question-- physcoben said to boil it- anmyone else think i should do that, and if so- how would i go about it? a bag at a time on the stove? (my wife will kill me if she sees me boiling sand on the stove in her good pots... :D )
What I was planning on doing was to set up the tank, put the SD sand in, add water, salt and a power head, and then add some live rock and live sand once i can afford to get the lights set up-- is this a bad idea? I figure i can let the sand settle, then kinda mix in some live sand into the top few inches... any opinions? i guess there has been some debate on washing/filtering it too- what does everyone think?


Originally posted by jwtrojan44:
<STRONG>... adding pre-mixed saltwater over top...</STRONG>
How do i premix the water? i am ost likley going to be buying it from wally world, in gallon jugs- i don't really have a way to pre-mix it-- what do you suggest? 50 gallons worth...


javajoe was it southdown sand or darascape all they had today was darascape but was told it was the same from hd guy did vinager test and it did fizz thanks


Active Member
When i did mine i just put thewater in then added the salt, it mixed up with the power heads. i also went to lowes and got a couple of 5 gal pails, and thats what i use to mix in for water changes.