SouthDown, Inc


New Member

Originally posted by broncofish
I found tropical play sand, aragonite based in Vacaville California woo hoo, yippy(I feel like I won some kind of lottery.)

broncofish can you send me an email ( with where you found it. If you are willing to share your secret.


Active Member
I found it at a sand and gravel supply place(duh, why did I not look there before) They sell it in a white burlap bag, the same kind of bags myf LFS sells there white aragonite sand in; coincidence I think not. about 4 bucks for 50lbs. I still have not seen it yet though:( sadly my buddies alternator siezed up, and I am in the middle of fixing it. Why god oh why am I mechanicaly inclined:mad: Why couldn't I be naturaly good looking, or a super financial whiz?;)


Active Member
Ok the sand is a bust. Lighter than quickcrete, but still to dark for reef tanks. Back to the drawing boards.


Yes Thank You for trying. I will also try to look ou here. If anyone finds some please post. I will. :D Keep you fingers crossed. :D Good Luck.


One of my LFS found some Yardright Playsand-and they are selling if for $20 a bag. Good mark-up, and they didn't like when I told them it was bad business to do such a thing.