southdown play sand

I have spent a few days calling every where (Home Depots in different States) looking for Southdown tropical playsand. Texas does not carry it to the best of my knowledge. I found a few places in New York,Missouri and Penn. that carry the stuff....the only problem is they will not ship it to me. They say they are not allowed to send it to any residential address. I then asked if they can send it to a local Home Depot. Again the gave me the run around.
So I was hoping someone on this BB could help me out. If anyone can mail me some I would be more than happy to pay you. I am looking to get 4 bags. I will pay for both the product and shipping. Reimburse you for gas money and if you wanted a service fee, as long it was reasonable, I would also pay for that.
please email me :
I hope there is someone out there that feels my pain.
- Thank you very much
><> Mike <><

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
I having the same problem. They dont carry it in the Dallas area, so im probably just going to find an alternative to use. Good to see someone from College Station, ill be back for the school year. Gig Em' Ags !!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
OK even though you are Texas and Aggie fans I'll help you out. We have the same problem in Oklahoma so I got my Home Depot to get some shipped in from the Saugus Ma Home Depot. I had to pay for shipping and it ended up running about 60 cents a pound. If ya'll will post your email addresses I'll send you more details and also some people who have some and will ship to you.
Go Sooners!

chris l

If any of you guys want it I will get it and ship it to you. Just the cost of the southdown and the shipping. No extra fees. I will even send the receipt to you. If you interested email me. I can get as much as you want. I live in Selinsgrove, Pa.


Active Member
Not to knock the quickcrete but the only quickcrete available around here has silica in it and I have heard that can cause diatom blooms, so that's why I went to the extra trouble...maybe you have a quickcrete brand w/o the silica.
They carry it at the HD in Cary, NC but cannot keep it in stock. My son works for HD in Garner, NC and is keeping track to see when the next shipment comes in. I gave up and used aragonite, but some members of my reef club are still looking for southdown. This stuff is hard to get!


Active Member
Truth or rumor who knows for sure but they are a client of the company my husband works for. I talked to a rep who would have gladly sold me 45,000 lbs...didn't need quite that much anyway he said they got bought by cemex and will still have the sand and are signing a national contract with Ace Hardware so the sand should be available nationwide in a couple months..we'll see.

ken s

i went to the local kmart and used their playsand. it has been a month and have not had an algae problem. right now i have a 75 gallon, 20 tall, and 20 long. no adverse effects noted here


Originally posted by
<strong>I have spent a few days calling every where (Home Depots in different States) looking for Southdown tropical playsand. Texas does not carry it to the best of my knowledge. I found a few places in New York,Missouri and Penn. that carry the stuff....the only problem is they will not ship it to me. They say they are not allowed to send it to any residential address. I then asked if they can send it to a local Home Depot. Again the gave me the run around.
So I was hoping someone on this BB could help me out. If anyone can mail me some I would be more than happy to pay you. I am looking to get 4 bags. I will pay for both the product and shipping. Reimburse you for gas money and if you wanted a service fee, as long it was reasonable, I would also pay for that.
please email me :
I hope there is someone out there that feels my pain.
- Thank you very much
><> Mike <><</strong><hr></blockquote>
This has probably already been said, but there are a few places online where you can order it. They are:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
WOW Sea Wraith are you flaming me??
Ron Shimek says "aragonite sand has the advantage of providing a resevoir of dissolvable calcium carbonate and that is often a good thing."
However, he also says....
"We worry a lot about sand bed mineral composition in the aquarium hobby. Generally, however, neither mom nature nor the critters care very much. Natural sediments in coral reef areas may be calcitic in nature, ranging from oolitic sands in areas of calcium carbonate precipitation to foraminiferan shells, coral rubble or coral sand, or they may be wholly or in part composed of lava or river runoff (terragenous sediments, including silicates, organic muds or silts). As a general rule, one finds similar organisms growing in similar-size sediments regardless of the composition. As long as there is not some inherently toxic component to the sediments, the organisms generally don’t seem to care too much about its composition."
Can't remember where I heard the diatom maybe we should start a silica based v aroganite thread. As a wise one on this board says "your tank, your choice"