southdown sand rant


Sorry, for this rant but I feel its in order. I know that this sand is good to use for our aquariums, but it is NOT available nationwide. I have a bit of a problem with people recommending a person to buy this and then not saying that it may not be available. So just an FYI for you folks not living in the NE part of the country, southdaown will be hard to come by. In my experience in my state (Oklahoma), it nonexistent without special ordering it, which defeats the cost savings. Buy the sand if it available in your area, but please please don't recommend it unless you also say it may or may not be available. Ok, rant over. Thanks for your time and patience.


Active Member
I think most people do say that you may not be able to find it. Why are you so mad about this?


I dunno really. Perhaps just jealous of all you lucky folks that DO have access to the stuff I guess. 35 bucks for a 30 pound bag of caribsea is Just stupid in my opinion. 5 bucks for a 40? pound bag of southdown is more my speed. :)


I heard on this board (or maybe some other one) that southdown was changing their sand and it wouldn't be "pure" anymore. Not sure what this means or if its true, wondering if anyone had heard about this?


Active Member
change it on purpose?- then the reefers wouldnt buy it- i cant get it local but i m not mad enough to whine to everyone about it


:) Just a rant, you may call it a whine if you wish, that word is as good as any. Where I come from though, money does not grow on trees. 10 bucks for 100 pounds of southdown is a heck of a lot better than 120 bucks of the caribsea equivalent. I can use the 110 bucks on lights, or toward a new skimmer, or perhaps livestock, or to put gas in my car for 2 months. I know this is an expensive hobby, but I am only being jealous of you guys that have access to this sand.


Active Member
well, if you can tell me where money does grow on trees- im there- i cant get southdown anytime soon- i can get it online for 10$ for 50 lbs- but even then what do you hope to accomplish by exploiting your jelousy to everyone?


Venting steam. And I was kidding about the money growing on trees thing. I'm not mad about it anymore, I think I may have found a way to get another brand of sand online for about 75-80 cents a pound, vs the 1.20 a pound locally. Not as much a savings vs southdown, but a savings nonetheless. Sorry if ya'll are offended by the steam I vented. I'll only do it this once. :)