Southdown sand


I am planning on changing out my cc substrate to a DSB and have read many articles about Southdown. I would have to special order the Southdown from my Home Depot because it isn't carried in Texas. Do any of you have pictures that you can post to show me what Southdown looks like in the tank? Some say it is the same as the sand you buy at local fish stores and some say it doesn't look as good. TIA!


Thanks for posting! Yes, please post closer pics if you don't mind. It looks like the sand is really white, which is what I am looking for. A LFS told me that it wouldn't be.


heres a question for ya about a DSB.. i have a SB of about 2 inches... with the algea starting to grow in it.. could i buy a bag of that "live sand" and not worry about it screwing up hte different layers in the SB?? not sure...