southdown sand


I live near Lubbock, Texas and from what I can tell we don't have Southdown sand here. Does anyone know of any other "play sand" that would be just as good? I am trying to avoid paying so much for the CaribSea sand.
Any suggestions?


Do you find the silica sand in most stores? Is it the regular sand for sandboxes, etc.?
Why doesn't it look good? is it a different color? I am assuming it is a brown color instead of white.


Yeah it's brown and nasty like the beaches in Galveston, LoL! I bit the bullet and changed from CC to oolitic sand. I hate paying that much, but there is just no way to get Southdown in Tx unless you drive to the East coast on occasion.

nm reef

Active Member
Glinton...the silica based sands(Quickcrete Playsand) will work but as mentioned the appearence is different that aragonite. Plus the grain size and structure can be a problem. There are a few sources for aragonite type sands...try looking here ...they seem to offer a varity of products and the prices seem affordable. I've never ordered from them...but it may be a viable alternative for you. I purchase my Caribsea sands from Aquari Lease in Lubbock...they normally carry caribsea's oolitic sands and sea flor grade sand...the expense is more ... but the end product is much better in my opinion.:cool:


Thanks NM Reef-
Somebody else gave me the same website and I e-mailed them about their shipping prices. The only problem is that the shipping charges are about $27. So, even though the sand is $11 for a 40# bag, the shipping is not worth it. Oh well..
I am going to buy a tank from Aquarilease tomorrow. I will probably end up buying my sand, salt, etc from them. It is probably better to support the LFS anyway!
Maybe one of these days we will run into each other down there! Thanks for the advice!


NM Reef (and anyone else who wants to comment!)-
Another question for you-Should I buy oolitic sand as well as crushed coral and mix the two? I have heard to have a range of particle size. Maybe buy a 30#bag of oolitic and a 15# bag of CC?