Southdown users


hey everyone need some help picked up 300lbs of southdown for my new 200 gal setup what should i do with it? everyone happy with it? or should i just buy all live sand, how do u prepare it for your tank? how much and what kind of live sand do u use with it , where do u get it ? will the SD and the LS be same colur and match or will i have 2 different shades of sand,


it is anew tank i thjought the ther 150 would be live sand plus the fact that i believe in putting LR on the glass


did u just put the sludge slit ruibble i the tank or did u put in pantyhose or something like that ?
well i can always pick up a few more bags tonight being in NJ it is very easy for me to get, so if i put lr in first like i usually do then the sand, will the lr be ok for the 30 min or so untill i get the water in the tank??