Southdown Wanted-MO to OH


Active Member
I'm driving it again. Will be going through St. Louis, Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Anyone near these cities with a few extra bags of southdown? Willing to pay fair amount of money.


If you con't find any I have someone going to Kansas City in 6 weeks.


I will let you know after I give my friend a call he is in L.A. right now. It is a shame you guys can't drop a plane into O'Hare, Midway or Gary. The air show is coming to Chicago soon. The Air Force flys out of Gary for the show.


Yes, my friend Ken has a wedding in Kansas City to go to I will call him and find out today. Hey we had the air show in Chicago last week my 3.5 year old really liked it. The Thunderbirds did not fly the day we went because of a minor accident the day before. No stealth planes showed up, kind of a bummer this is my 3.5 year old favorite plane. I think you guys are the home of the stealth bomber do they have tours for this plane? After the air show my little guy wanted to be a jet pilot, today he decided he would change careers and be a airplane cleaner that washes the outside of the plane, go figure!
I will get back to you.


Active Member
Awesome. How much sand are you willing to part with?
Yes we have the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber here. Tours are always available. I can give you a personal tour if you were to come while I'm off work.
I wanted to be a pilot at one time. I'm glad I didn't go that road now. Granted I would be making 4 times as much...I love working on planes day in and day out. It is a much more satisfying feeling knowing that you fixed the plane that went over to Afghanistan and ended terrorism over there.


I'm in Colo now and have called all my friends back east to no luck. If you find anything let me know.


Sorry about so long to reply. I thought I did reply the day after I talked to my friend Ken. He is in california and will be back on th 14th of this month. He said the wedding in KC is the following week. I will keep you posted.