Spanish Lobster out for some new pics!!!!!


Active Member
So he/she came out and couldn't resist some new pictures. This guy is an eating machine, he has no problem eating a small chunk of Wahoo
every other day. I have had him only 5 weeks and he has molted twice :joy: . Just after I got him and just the other day!!!!
No he is not a spiny,(look at the stripes on his legs) we call them Spanish Lobsters around here. There is no size limit or season on them.
efish :happyfish nsea



Active Member
Originally Posted by rcdude1990
scarey lookin fellow
its amazin how long there feelers r
Yea he is pretty vicious
, the feelers are about 4"


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleasia
Does he eat any of your inverts?????

You know I have him in my frag tank and keep him pretty well fed. He does not seem to bother much of anything. I'm sure at night he is out throwing back a few with the snails and blue leggies checking out the reef!!!hehe


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
AWSOME!!! LOBSTER!!! you saw my bad boy???
Wow that thing has some serious color
He looks pretty agressive in the pics...The spanish I have will eventually have blue dots, probably in a few more molts,,,


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
Yea I have to say he is pretty cool :joy:

NAH,, hes only agressive when he wants to eat! which is al the time!! lol


Active Member
Here's mine..I was told that it was a spiny when I got him about a year ago. He's the largest in habitant in the tank...



Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here's mine..I was told that it was a spiny when I got him about a year ago. He's the largest in habitant in the tank...

He is cool looking, has it molted yet. You can take the molt/shell and lay it out to dry on a flat surface and clearcoat it with a puff can and have a duplicate of him. It might take a couple of trys to get it right but the result is really neat...
This is a picture of one I did a few years back...


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
He is cool looking, has it molted yet. You can take the molt/shell and lay it out to dry on a flat surface and clearcoat it with a puff can and have a duplicate of him. It might take a couple of trys to get it right but the result is really neat...
This is a picture of one I did a few years back...
Thats a really cool IDEA, My Blue made the NICEST BLUEST most last week! I might try what you did,, The Most was soooo perfect that i thought he died! Then when i saw him a gave out a huge PHEW!!!


Active Member
Mine just shed again and I thought that I would post some new pictures. Today was the first day from out behind the orcks after shedding. Next time he sheds, I don't think he will be able to make it out from behind the rocks.



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I'm looking to add a purple "Enomopletapus" lobster to my reef, but feeling a little leary due to the lack of info.


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Ive got to be honest, the lob(what we call a spanish lobster here in south fla) in my frag tank eats everything that taste like meat, unless he is fed every couple of days he is on the hunt. I'm not sure if he eats corals or not but he picks through every inch of the frag tank to find a meal. I have him on an every other day feeding process, one chunk of wahoo keeps him satisfied for a day or two. I take some more pics and post his progress.
efish :happyfish nsea