Spare Ricordia Polyp(s)?


Active Member
I don't live in Boca anymore, but I did previously and my mother still does. i just called barrier reef and they are running low right now, but she said their single polyp rics start at 5.99 for the stadard green ones and work their way up to 10 - 15 for the more rare colors. I asked and they won't ship, but if you can find someone local they might be willing to ship for you. I'm calling my mom right now


New Member
btw, do mushrooms ship well? Would it be possible to ship in wet paper towels in baggies of water, and then ship it 2-3, instead of overnight? I thought I'd read that they're hardy. Just wondering!

fish addict

Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I just picked up 3 rics from a LFS here and they were $12 per polyup but the colors are stunning I have an Orange Purple, a Gold Purple and an all Purple all have bright green mouths.. and all have multiple mouths.. I am planning on fragging them when they spread.. I also have a large rock with mixed Super green zoas and Eye of Fire on it. There are about 150 polyups on it, I got a super deal on it and I plan on fragging it as well as soon as they start to spread.
PerfectDark once you frag them keep me in mind please! Those rics sound awesome!