Speaking of snails . . .


If you aren't sick of hearing about them by now. I know that Cerith snails will breed in our tanks, but what about others? I have Astrea, Cerith, Nerite and Trochus (I think, hehe). Also, I haven't seen much on the BB about the Nerite snails, anyone know much about them? All I know is that I find mine on the glass and LR and they don't seem to drown when they fall upside down. Thanks!


Active Member
the only ones tha ti can say for sure will, is the stomatellas and cerriths, i think we have mor enassariuses, but it is hard ot get a good count on them, sooooooooooo fast, and normally out of site
ahve not noticed the trochus, yet, but tank is only 6 months young(did not have any before this tank)


I have Margaritas, astrea's, and turbo snails in my tank and have at least two different types of babies roaming around (probably 10 - 15 babies that is). My smaller tank has two turbos and it has 3 different species of baby snails in it so some or all may have been hitchikers.
What about Hermit crabs does anybody get them to reproduce in an aquarium?


The turbos i got here have had babies in the past month. that is the ones that I catch when they fall and end up upside down. The babies have stayed on the shell for the most part, Probably 7 or 8 per snail shell. I see a few of them on the glass every once in a while.


I have 8 full grown Turbo's in my 90G. I now have hundreds of babies about 1/8-1/4". The adults are 1 1/2-2". I thought It would be cool to breed them, but now I'm being overrun with them. No kidding I probably have from 300 to 400 babies. They hide in the rock during the day and as soon as my PC lights turn off and just the actinics are running, they crawl all over the glass.
Does anyone know what would eat the babies. They are starting to become a nuisence. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I have two fish that pick and kill snails, Pearlscale butterfly,and a Smith's Blenny. They both like to bite at them if they can.