Spec Gravity Emergency!! HELP


Yesterday I tested my water and the hydometer went straight to the top (>1.032). I started using RO water and putting that in. I'm up to 5 gallons and still to the top. I thought the hydrometer was broken and quickly bought another hydrometer and that went to the top. I had been mixing water to do a change and I also need to remove the lr to catch the Damsels and that water went straight to the top even after adding more water. So I finally went to RO tap and used the hydrometer and that water went to the top. We have a water softener because of hard water here in Florida, but I thought the RO would make sure that the salt would not be high. What do I do?

I'm freaking out. I guess I will go to the store and buy a large amount of bottled water.


Have you taken a sample to a lfs to test? Our tank's hydrometer read 1.021 for the longest time. When we tried mixing new salt water for a water change, it read that the RO salt water I purchased was only 1.014 and no matter how much salt we put in, we could only get it to 1.018. We went and bought a new hydrometer (Instant Ocean brand) and it topped out also, but not just the new stuff we were trying to fix, but also our tank. With such vast difference in the readings, we went to our lfs and they tested the water with their brand new refractometer. Here our tank was at 1.026, not 1.021 or 1.032+ like the hydromters were reading. Before you start really freaking, I would have another person test the water with (hopefully) a refractometer.
By the way, our lfs is going to start selling refractometers. I have already reserved one. Cost : $54.18 (with tax). Best investment I will probably make.


Active Member
this site sells them and you can also get them off the big auction site, just make sure you are buying one for salt, they sell ones for sugar, etc.
IMO - One of the best things i did was purchase a refractometer, my hydrometer was way off, do yourself a favor and buy a refractometer


Originally Posted by CGRANT
this site sells them and you can also get them off the big auction site, just make sure you are buying one for salt, they sell ones for sugar, etc.
IMO - One of the best things i did was purchase a refractometer, my hydrometer was way off, do yourself a favor and buy a refractometer

I got mine from the "big auction site" and I think it will be one of the best investments that ive made after my skimmer! I got mine for $30 shipped. Like the above said...Make sure that you get it for salinity cause they have 'em for a bunch of stuff!


I took the water into the lfs and it was 1.024. Man was I happy. Two hydrometers and both broken. There wasn't any bubbles that caused the problem. One was instant Ocean and the other was a red sea. What is this "Big Auction Site"? I was going to buy the one off this site. Thanks for everyones input and quick response.


The brands of hydrometers we were using were also red sea and instant ocean.
The big auction site is spelled e-b-a-y


Active Member
E-B -- Y -But if you were going to get one here, i say go for it. suport out sponsor and get free shipping