Yesterday I tested my water and the hydometer went straight to the top (>1.032). I started using RO water and putting that in. I'm up to 5 gallons and still to the top. I thought the hydrometer was broken and quickly bought another hydrometer and that went to the top. I had been mixing water to do a change and I also need to remove the lr to catch the Damsels and that water went straight to the top even after adding more water. So I finally went to RO tap and used the hydrometer and that water went to the top. We have a water softener because of hard water here in Florida, but I thought the RO would make sure that the salt would not be high. What do I do?
I'm freaking out. I guess I will go to the store and buy a large amount of bottled water.
I'm freaking out. I guess I will go to the store and buy a large amount of bottled water.